Technology and Analysisof Foodand Natural SubstancesGroup
The food laboratories of the ICHPBT are oriented towards the technology, analysis and characterisation of food. The modern laboratory infrastructure enables advanced analyses to verify the safety, nutritional properties or authenticity of foods. Microbiological and cellular laboratories provide safety and quality control of products. The institute also has laboratories for practical training in food technology (e.g. dairy, bakery or meat products) or a faculty brewery.
Research activities are currently divided into several areas including the development of new food technologies and innovation of traditional technologies, production of functional foods and food supplements. An integral part is the processing and valorisation of secondary products and wastes from the food industry, including the design of biorefining processes.
The research group actively cooperates with the food industry (Mlýny J. Voženílek s.r.o., Bramko, s.r.o., Sladovna Bernard A.s, Milcom A.s.), research institutes and universities (Hop Institute, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, VŠÚO, VÚP Bratislava, PULS Poland, BAS Bulgaria, UNILJ Slovenia, UNI-PANNON Hungary), as well as legal entities interested in food analysis, consulting on production and development issues in the food industry or project partnerships. The department also provides support in food legislation.

Research group
Research scope
- Methods of food analysis and evaluation - development of modern instrumental, molecular biological techniques and sensory analysis to comprehensively determine the quality, consumer acceptability, authenticity of food, raw materials and ingredients and to monitor the technological process.
- Food technology - further development of processes for a higher level of technological processing of food, raw materials, ingredients and development of new types of functional foods, food products and supplements with higher nutritional value.
- Processing and valorisation of waste - progressive methods of processing and reuse of waste from food production using the concept of circular economy.
- Development of instrumental, molecular and cellular methods for identification and quantification of elements, biologically active, sensory active, aromatic, toxic and allergenic substances in food.
Selected projects
- Validation of the biorefinery concept for bran processing
- Preparation of a combined low-alcoholic beverage based on wine and fruit juice
- From bioinformatics analysis of genomes to computational structural biology and applications
- Propagácia a zvyšovanie atraktívnosti prírodovedno-technických odborov špecializovaných pre potreby praxe v cezhraničných oblastiach
- Characterisation of samples of apples stored in a protective atmosphere
- Innovation in the production of fruit concentrated soft drinks, table vinegars and natural concentrates
- Other projects
Selected publications
- Physiochemical and Sensory Properties of Bread Fortified with Wheat Bran and Whey Protein Isolates
- G-quadruplexes in the evolution of hepatitis B virus
- Variability of Inverted Repeats in All Available Genomes of Bacteria
- Particulate matter emission characteristics of spruce, sunflower and maize: A comparison between nominal and reduced output in a small-scale boiler
- Abundance of G-Quadruplex Forming Sequences in the Hepatitis Delta Virus Genomes
- Cysteine-modified silica resin in DGT samplers for mercury and trace metals assessment
- Determination of Mercury in Fish Sauces by Thermal Decomposition Gold Amalgamation Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy after Preconcentration by Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Technique
- Raman spectroscopy online monitoring of biomass production, intracellular metabolites and carbon substrates during submerged fermentation of oleaginous and carotenogenic microorganisms
- Assessment of Biotechnologically Important Filamentous Fungal Biomass by Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy
- Assessment of Biotechnologically Important Filamentous Fungal Biomass by Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy
Services offered
- Comprehensive analysis of microbial samples.
- Comprehensive elemental analysis using ICP-OES, ICP-MS.
Standard analysis of biological matrices:
- a) Vitamins and provitamins - vitamins of group B, C, A, D, E, K, carotenoids, sterols
- b) Phenolic substances
- c) Lipids - comprehensive analysis, total lipid content, fatty acid profile, represented SFA/MUFA/PUFA.
- d) Carbohydrates - analysis of mono, oligosaccharides, determination of β- and α-glucans.
- e) Proteins.
- Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity testing.