Materials Research Centre
The Material Research Centre (MRC) is specialized research centre at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology. The centre specializes in applied research in the field of inorganic materials, advanced organic materials and biomaterials for which the chemical properties are emphasized. Furthermore the basic research is developed in the centre, which is the springboard for potential applications.
The main goal of MRC is the intensification of cooperation between university research and application sphere by means of contractual research and joint research projects and thus the acceleration of transfer of findings and technologies into the practice. MRC also aims at the involvement of the highest possible number of students of the Faculty of Chemistry, BUT in real contractual research projects and in the cooperation with application sphere to ensure their continual professional growth.
Our daily work revolves around materials. We invent new substances for industry and medicine.
projects in 2022
of which 24 in cooperation with enterprises -
48 mil. CZK
The total volume of contract research in 2022
students and faculty members working in the center
contract research contracts for 2022

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