International Cooperation
For the Faculty of Chemistry, international cooperation and mobility represent two areas of great significance for the future development. After the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU, we have seen a great advancement of these activities.
International mobility has become an essential part of study, training, pedagogical activities and scientific work.
Moreover, the Erasmus+ framework allows both academic and non-academic staff to participate in short‑term study visits or training (including language courses). Thanks to the programme, the number of international doctoral traineeships has been growing exponentially too. Since the academic year 2017/2018, traineeships are a compulsory part of the study. Traineeships can be carried out both at universities or enterprises.
Naturally, the faculty offers other types of mobility – Development Programme of the Ministry of Education, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Fulbright scholarship and CEEPUS. In the past, EEA and Norway Grants used to be very popular.
Incoming academics, students and trainees play an equally important role. We accept not only European students, but also those coming from South Korea or Brazil based on many agreements with universities worldwide. So far, semestral laboratory projects offered by all institutes have been the most popular part of the study with international students.
FCH welcomes visitors from all over the world and participates in the successful International Staff Week organized by BUT for its European partners.
Together with the rectorate of BUT we promote the university at the national educational fairs (e.g. Gaudeamus) and international exhibitions (APAIE, NAFSA). The faculty is involved in the annual Night of Scientists (“Noc vědců”) and other activities promoting its educational and research activities.