The meeting at Chemistry and Life has a rich tradition of bringing together students, innovators, and leaders in chemistry into a vibrant and highly integrative forum that is conducive to sharing information, gaining knowledge, strengthening collaborations and moving forward the chemical science and technology in basic and applied research.

Conferences SPASEC-28, AOTs-29 a PFAS-3
From 12 May to 15 May 2025, the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, will host prestigious international conferences – the 28th edition of SPASEC, focusing on semiconductor photocatalysis and solar energy conversion, the 29th edition of AOTs, dedicated to advanced oxidation technologies, and the 3rd International Conference on Perfluorinated Substances (PFAS).
Chemistry and Life
9th Meeting on Chemistry and Life will be held 12-13 September 2024. This year's programme will focus on sustainable future. The main topics cover a wide range of activities in materials, environmental chemistry, biotechnology, physical and applied chemistry.
ESBP 2023
11th European Symposium on Biopolymers (ESBP) was held between 13–15 September 2023 in Brno.
Chemistry is Life
The conference Chemistry is Life is meant for the students of chemical and related fields of bachelor, master’s and doctoral degrees and for the highschool students.
The objective of the conference is to provide a forum for a wide range of researchers to meet and exchange valuable experience in the field of thermophysics, heat and mass transport, heat storage, experimental measurement of thermophysical properties, materials parameters, monitoring of temperature field in porous, and other related fields.
International Conference and School on High-Resolution Ultrasonic Spectroscopy
The conference is focused on the power plant technology and its impact on CCPs, properties and reactivity of CCPs, utilization and processing, legislative aspects of CCP by-products.