The research work of the Laboratory of Biotechnology, Biomaterials and Natural Substances is carried out in several main areas, which partially overlap and may share some methods and procedures. Research is oriented towards the chemistry, analysis and technology of foods and natural substances, the use of biotechnology and nanotechnology in the production of modern foods and raw materials, and the application of molecular biotechnology to the identification and characterisation of selected foods and supplements. Emphasis is placed in particular on a comprehensive approach to problem solving, combining appropriate progressive techniques to assess problems overall and to propose adequate solutions. The development of modern food sciences is dependent on the development and application of advanced methods for the preparation, characterization and processing of foods and raw materials and the analysis of all types of contents, including the assessment of effects on the body. Modern and sophisticated procedures are being developed for use in the production and optimisation of individual steps in the chemistry and technology of natural substances and foods, as well as in the control of the quality, sensory profile and safety of foods and their ingredients, food raw materials and final products. Considerable attention is also paid to the processing of waste raw materials from the agro-food complex and their evaluation in the biotechnological production of industrially important metabolites such as bioethanol, bioplastics, enzymes and other specific metabolites. Currently, interdisciplinary collaboration is intensifying with the overlap of chemical sciences into the life sciences.