CMV Laboratoře

Biotechnology and Biomaterials Group

In our research, we develop processes and technologies for the microbial production of industrially important substances such as biomaterials and functional packaging materials, food and feed ingredients such as enzymes, vitamins, pigments and other natural molecules. Creative activities cover the main thematic areas of the educational fields of chemistry, food science, biotechnology and biochemical engineering. The overlap with the scientific activities of the other institutes lies mainly in jointly solved projects with interdisciplinary issues, which enrich methodological approaches, modify the scope of the issues and enable an innovative view of food chemistry and biotechnology on a broader scale. Within the research group a number of projects have been addressed by GAČR, TAČR and NPO, most of these projects were or are focused on valorisation of food waste and biotechnology. The most important applied results, which are implemented in industrial practice, include the unique Hydal Biotechnology. It is a unique technology that processes used frying oil into biotechnological production of PHB-type bioplastics that can be used, among other things, for food packaging. The license for patent PS3835CZ was purchased by Nafigate a.s. and the biotechnology is marketed internationally under the trade name HYDAL. Currently, Hydal biotechnology is the only available technology in the world for mass production that can convert waste into PHB bioplastics. The technology based on the principle of circular economy has won a number of international awards, including the prestigious "Frost and Sullivan Innovation technology Award" (2015). The laboratory also cooperates with a number of industrial entities and institutions in the Czech Republic (Nafigate, a.s. Algae Farm, s.r.o., Institute of Instrumentation of the CAS, etc.). All ongoing projects and international collaborations involve students in the form of theses and internships.

prof. Ing. Stanislav Obruča, Ph.D.

prof. Ing.



Head of laboratory

+420 54114 9486

Ing. Iva Buchtíková, Ph.D.




Contact person


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