Veronika Ostatná


FCH, ÚCHTOŽP – Assistant professor

+420 54114 9340

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RNDr. Veronika Ostatná, Ph.D.


Lectured courses

BC_ANC2Analytical Chemistry II
Lecture, Czech, summer, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP
MA_ENG13Biogeochemical Interfaces
Lecture, English, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP
MA_ENG15Green Materials for Green Technologies, Energy and Depollution
Exercise, Lecture, English, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP
MA_ISAInstrumental and Structural Analysis
Lecture, English, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP
MC_ISAInstrumental and Structure Analysis
Lecture, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP
BC_ANC2_PLaboratory Classes in Analytical Chemistry II
Laboratory exercise, Czech, summer, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP

* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025