BRÁZDA, V.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; CUCCHIARINI, A.; MERGNY, J. G-quadruplex propensity in H. neanderthalensis, H. sapiens and Denisovans mitochondrial genomes. NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2024, vol. 6, no. 2,
p. 1-10. ISSN: 2631-9268.
Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital LibraryDOBROVOLNÁ, M.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; BRÁZDA, V.; BARTAS, M.; ČERVEŇ, J.; VALKOVÁ, N.; VOLNÁ, A.; BALDVINSSON, H.; PEČINKA, P.;. RNA analysis of the longest living vertebrate Greenland shark revealed an abundance of LINE-like elements in its transcriptome. Czech Polar Reports, 2024, vol. 13, no. 2,
p. 210-227. ISSN: 1805-0689.
Detail | WWWVOJSOVIČ, M.; KRATOCHVILOVÁ, L.; VALKOVÁ, N.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; EL RASHED, Z.; MENICHINI, P.; INGA, A.; MONTI, P.; BRÁZDA, V. Transactivation by partial function P53 family mutants is increased by the presence of G-quadruplexes at a promoter site. BIOCHIMIE, 2024, vol. 216, no. January 2024,
p. 14-23. ISSN: 0300-9084.
Detail | WWWKRATOCHVILOVÁ, L.; VOJSOVIČ, M.; VALKOVÁ, N.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; EL RASHED, Z.; INGA, A.; MONTI, P.; BRÁZDA, V. G-quadruplex forming sequences modulate the P53 family proteins transactivation. Terst, Itálie: 2024.
p. 67-67.
BRÁZDA, V.; KRATOCHVILOVÁ, L.; VOJSOVIČ, M.; VALKOVÁ, N.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; EL RASHED, Z.; MONTI, P.; INGA, A. G-quadruplex forming sequences modulate basal transcription of a yeast reporter and impact the transactivation by P53 family proteins. The EuroBiotech Journal. 2023.
p. 15-15. ISSN: 2564-615X.
DetailKRATOCHVILOVÁ, L.; VOJSOVIČ, M.; VALKOVÁ, N.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; EL RASHED, Z.; INGA, A.; MONTI, P.; BRÁZDA, V. The presence of a G-quadruplex prone sequence upstream of a minimal promoter increases transcriptional activity in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. BIOSCIENCE REPORTS, 2023, vol. 43, no. 12, ISSN: 0144-8463.
Detail | WWW2022
GOSWAMI, P.; ŠISLEROVÁ, L.; DOBROVOLNÁ, M.; HAVLÍK, J.; ŠŤASTNÝ, J.; BRÁZDA, V. Interaction of C-terminal p53 isoforms depends strongly upon DNA sequence and topology. BIOCHIMIE, 2022, vol. 667, no. červen,
p. 1-7. ISSN: 1638-6183.
Detail | WWW
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