Guaranteed courses
BC_ZCT | Fundamentals of Chemical Technologies Czech, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BC_TCV | Technology of Chemical Substances Czech, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BXA001 | Nauka o složení stavebních a odpadových materiálů Czech, winter, FCE, ÚCHTOŽP |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025
Lectured courses
BC_ECHT | Environmental Chemistry and Technology Lecture, Czech, summer, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BC_ZCT | Fundamentals of Chemical Technologies Lecture, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
MA_ENG10 | Green Chemistry Seminar, English, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BC_OCH_P | Laboratory Classes in Organic Chemistry Laboratory exercise, Czech, summer, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BC_TP_ŽP2 | Team Project - ŽP 2 Exercise, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BC_TCV | Technology of Chemical Substances Lecture, Czech, winter, FCH, ÚCHTOŽP |
BXA001 | Nauka o složení stavebních a odpadových materiálů Exercise, Lecture, Czech, winter, FCE, ÚCHTOŽP |
* Valid data for academic year 2024/2025