History of our Faculty
The most important professors from the early days of the chemistry department:
Bohumil Kužma (1873–1943)
Professor of inorganic chemistry and founder of the Department of Chemistry at the Brno Czech Technical College. He investigated the atomic weights of bismuth and selenium, the properties of tellurium, higher oxides of copper and silver and the chemistry of beryllium. Member of the editorial board for Otto’s Dictionary of Science. He carried out an analysis of the springs in the Luhačovice spa and was chairman of the board of directors for the local joint-stock company. Member of the board for the Šaratice company. In 1920, he moved to the Faculty of Science at Masaryk University.

Jan Albert Novák (1881–1929)
Professor of analytical chemistry and, with his colleagues Kužma and Baborovský, the creator of the department’s course programme. He dealt with magnesium carbides, hydrolysis products of proteins, electrolytic determination of antimony and the effect of ozone on the oxidation of alcohols. He was also involved in the manufacture of plastics and food processing equipment. Except for his service in the army during World War I, he was in the Department of Chemistry from 1912 until his untimely death.

Jiří Baborovský (1875–1946)
Electrochemist and professor of theoretical and physical chemistry — a pioneer in our country. One of the founders of the Department of Chemistry, he worked there from 1912 until his death in 1946. He was active in several Czech and international professional societies. He authored innovative textbooks, dozens of technical articles and entries in Otto’s dictionary.

Otakar Kallauner (1886–1972)
Professor of silicate technology and inorganic large-scale industry and a respected expert in building materials research. He collaborated extensively with the architect Kepka on the construction of the chemistry building on today’s Žižkova Street from 1914 to 1919. He worked in the Department of Chemistry from 1914 until its dissolution in 1951. In 1939, he was imprisoned by the Nazis at Špilberk for several weeks.

Cyril Krauz (1883–1942)
Professor of organic chemistry and a specialist in explosives. He founded the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Chemical Technology VI (fats, tars, dyes). During World War I, he was stationed at the explosives factory in Blumau, Lower Austria. After his return, he also taught food and foodstuff technologies. In 1919, he was a member of the Czechoslovak delegation to the Paris Peace Conference then an advisor at the Ministry of Defence. From 1920, he worked at the Czech Technical University in Prague.