study programme

Chemistry, Technology and Properties of Materials

Original title in Czech: Chemie, technologie a vlastnosti materiálůFaculty: FCHAbbreviation: DKCP_CHM_4_NAcad. year: 2024/2025

Type of study programme: Doctoral

Study programme code: P0531D130049

Degree awarded: Ph.D.

Language of instruction: Czech

Accreditation: 30.4.2020 - 30.4.2030

Mode of study

Combined study

Standard study length

4 years

Programme supervisor

Doctoral Board

Fields of education

Area Topic Share [%]
Chemistry Without thematic area 100

Issued topics of Doctoral Study Program

  1. Advanced welding technologies for use in the nuclear power industry

    The work focuses on the study of the microstructure of welded steels used in the nuclear power industry. The steels will be welded by the TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) method using different types of shielding gas. It will be investigated whether the use of different types of gases has an effect on the microstructure and overall properties of the welded joint. The properties investigated will include flexural strength, fracture toughness, hardness (microhardness) and corrosion resistance of the welded joint. The weld will also be tested using standard non-destructive tests - visual, liquid penetrant and radiographic. The basic observation will be the occurrence of individual structural phases (ferrite, pearlite, bainite, austenite, delta ferrite, etc.) and especially their localisation in the welded joint.

    Tutor: Wasserbauer Jaromír, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  2. Effect of measures to reduce the carbon footprint on the properties of Portland cement

    The subject of the work will be research on the influence of individual production measures in the production of Portland cement, which are currently being rapidly introduced in connection with the fulfillment of the challenges of the European Green Deal agreement to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Among the basic measures are the application of an increasing number of alternative fuels replacing fossil fuels, the use of alternative non-carbonate raw materials for the production of clinker and the expansion of the spectrum of supplementary cement raw materials for the production of mixed cements. At the same time, new production technologies and technological elements reducing carbon dioxide emissions are gradually being introduced. All these interventions in the established production of Portland cement must necessarily affect its composition and properties, which brings new challenges in the field of research and development of Portland cement.

    Tutor: Šoukal František, doc. Ing., Ph.D.

  3. Study of defects formation in 4H-SiC single crystal during sublimation growth

    One of the methods to grow a single crystal of SiC with high quality and yield is sublimation growth. In this process, a number of defects are formed, which subsequently negatively affect the functionality of components from the SiC substrate. To maximize the yield of the components, the frequency of these defects must be minimized. Reducing the number of defects is possible by optimizing the crystal growth process. The task of this thesis is to carry out research in the field of sublimation growth of 4H-SiC and the causes of defect formation, characterization of defectivity in 4H-SiC single crystal material, and determination of hypothesis for defectivity reduction and its verification.

    Tutor: Čech Vladimír, prof. RNDr., Ph.D.

Course structure diagram with ECTS credits

1. year of study, both semester
AbbreviationTitleL.Cr.Com.Compl.Hr. rangeGr.Op.
DCO_FCHMPhysics and chemistry of materialscs0CompulsoryDrExyes
DCO_FPDPhotoinduced processes in molecular materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_KMCeramic materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_KOVMetallic Materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DC_MIM cs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_MPMMaterials Science-Fundamentals and Advancescs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_MMMolecular materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_PMTAdvanced Materials Technologies and Applicationscs0Compulsory-optionalExyes
DCO_PTVPreparation and properties of thin layers of materialscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes
DCO_VSDUtilisation of secondary productscs0Compulsory-optionalDrExyes