Biophysics and Biochemistry of Microorganisms – DC_BCHBM
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Stanislav Obruča, Ph.D.
Bioprocess engineering for food industry – DCO_BIP
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Adriána Kovalčík, Ph.D.
Biostatistics – MC_BST
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: Ing. Jaromír Pořízka, Ph.D.
Biostatistics and data processing – MC_BZD
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Adriána Kovalčík, Ph.D.
Biotechnology I – BC_BIT1
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Stanislav Obruča, Ph.D.
Biotechnology of Natural Compounds – MC_BPL
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc.
Business Economics – BC_EKO1
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Tomáš Meluzín, Ph.D.
Cell Biotechnology – MC_TBK
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: Mgr. Kristina Nešporová, Ph.D.
Ceramic materials – DCO_KM
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Petr Ptáček, Ph.D.
Colloid chemistry for food industry – DCO_KCHP
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc.
Colloidics for advanced – DCO_KPD
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc.
Color Science and Technology – BA_CST
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. Petr Dzik, Ph.D.
Color Science and Technology – BC_CHB
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. Petr Dzik, Ph.D.
Composite Materials and Their Technologies I – BA_KOM
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: Ing. Petr Poláček, Ph.D.
Composites and Their Technologies I – BC_KOM
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: Ing. Petr Poláček, Ph.D.