Project detail
Multifunctional high-value fungal biomass from the Norwegian agriculture supply chain by-products
Duration: 1.11.2020 — 31.12.2024
Funding resources
Jiné veřejné zdroje než podle zák. č. 130/2002 Sb. - Ostatní veřejné zdroje financování nepatřící do institucionálních zdrojů ČR
On the project
BYPROVALUE is a highly innovative and industry driven collaboration project which brings together two groups of Norwegian industryEU generates around 26 million tonnes of by-products across the agriculture and food supply chain annually with estimated associated costs of 43 billion Euros for waste disposal. Only Norway produces around 600 000 tons of agriculture and food supply chain by-products annually. Today, the share of these by-products is used for low-value applications, combustion or disposed as waste. There is a huge societal and industrial need for developing processes for valorizing available agriculture by-products in a sustainable way for producing high-value product(s). BYPROVALUE will utilize the versatile metabolism of oleaginous fungi and develop a completely new and unique value chain for valorizing Norwegian agricultural supply chain by-products - animal fat and protein by-products, rest materials from brewery and sugar-rich lignocellulose side-streams of forestry into a product with several functionalities: a multifunctional fungal biomass. Multifunctional fungal biomass could be utilised as a whole in animal feed and pet food, or fractionated down to high-value ingredients - lipids and pigments for feed and food, chitin/chitosan for water treatment applications and beta-glucans for medical applications. BYPROVALUE will address the above challenges by an international and multidisciplinary consortium with top expertise in fungal biotechnology, fungal fermentation and advanced analysis of fungal metabolites as well as expertise in techno-economical evaluation of novel processes and bio-products. The project partners are the research partners Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), NOFIMA, Slovak University of Technology (STU), Brno University of Technology (BUT), University of Munster (WWU) and Norwegian companies Norilia AS, Nortura SA, Felleskjøpet Agri SA, Biotec Betaglucans AS, Teta vannrensing AS, Ringnes AS and Borregaard AS.
Description in Czech
BYPROVALUE aims will be achieved through the close collaboration between the research partners –
the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), NOFIMA, the Slovak University of Technology
(STU), the Brno University of Technology (BUT), the University of Münster (WWU) and the
Norwegian companies mentioned above. BYPROVALUE will be strongly connected to on-going
projects at NMBU: Bio4Fuels "Norwegian Centre for Sustainable Bio-based Fuels and Energy" (NRCFME,
№257622), LipoFungi "Bioconversion of low-cost fat materials into high-value PUFACarotenoid-
rich biomass" (NRC-BIONÆR, №268305), and the WWU national project F2F “From
Fungal Biomass to Fine Chemicals” ( BMWi-ZIM) as well as the EU project funCHI “Fungal Chitosans
from Fermentation Mycelia for Plant Biostimulants” (ERA-IB).
biomass, fungi, agriculture by-products, high-value metabolites
Key words in Czech
biomass, fungi, agriculture by-products, high-value metabolites
Default language
People responsible
Márová Ivana, prof. RNDr., CSc. - principal person responsible
Faculty of Chemistry
- responsible department (18.2.2021 - 18.2.2021)
Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology
- responsible department (18.2.2021 - not assigned)
Materials Research Centre
- co-beneficiary (1.11.2020 - 31.12.2024)
Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology
- beneficiary (18.2.2021 - not assigned)
HOLUB, J.; CHUJANOV, O.; ŠPAČKOVÁ, D.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; MÁROVÁ, I. CULTIVATION OF CAROTENOGENIC YEAST ON WASTE POULTRY FAT WITH ADDITION OF COBALT AS A STRESS FACTOR. Book of abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Chemical Technology. 1. Mikulov: 2023. p. 52-52. ISBN: ISBN 978-80-88214-40.
SNIEGOŇOVÁ, P.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; HOLUB, J.; SIKOROVÁ, P.; MÁROVÁ, I. The Effect of Oil-Rich Food Waste Substrates, Used as an Alternative Carbon Source, on the Cultivation of Microalgae-A Pilot Study. Microorganisms, 2023, vol. 11, no. 7, p. 1-15. ISSN: 2076-2607.
SZOTKOWSKI, M.; PLHALOVÁ, Ž.; SNIEGOŇOVÁ, P.; HOLUB, J.; CHUJANOV, O.; ŠPAČKOVÁ, D.; BLAŽKOVÁ, J.; MÁROVÁ, I. Conversion of Mixed Waste Food Substrates by Carotenogenic Yeasts of Rhodotorula sp. Genus. Microorganisms, 2023, vol. 11, no. 4, p. 1-25. ISSN: 2076-2607.
HOLUB, J.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; CHUJANOV, O.; ŠPAČKOVÁ, D.; SNIEGOŇOVÁ, P.; MÁROVÁ, I. Production of Enriched Biomass by Carotenogenic Yeasts Cultivated on by-Products of Poultry Processing-A Screening Study. Microorganisms, 2023, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 1-18. ISSN: 2076-2607.
VYSOKÁ, M.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; SLANINOVÁ, E.; DZURICKÁ, L.; STREČANSKÁ, P.; BLAŽKOVÁ, J.; MÁROVÁ, I. Oleaginous Yeast Extracts and Their Possible Effects on Human Health. Microorganisms, 2023, vol. 11, no. 2, p. 1-13. ISSN: 2076-2607.
ŠIMANSKÝ, S.; HOLUB, J.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; DZURICKÁ, L.; OBRAČAJ, J.; MÁROVÁ, I.: ICCT 2022. Mikulov, ČR (25.04.2022)
HOLUB, J.; CHUJANOV, O.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; ŠIMANSKÝ, S.; DZURICKÁ, L.; MÁROVÁ, I.; SCHILDOVÁ, V.: International conference on chemical technology (ICCT) 2022. Mikulov (25.04.2022)
DZURENDOVÁ, S.; SHAPAVAL, V.; TAFINTSEVA, V.; KOHLER, A.; BYRTUSOVÁ, D.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; MÁROVÁ, I.; ZIMMERMANN, B. Assessment of Biotechnologically Important Filamentous Fungal Biomass by Fourier Transform Raman Spectroscopy. Microorganisms, 2021, vol. 22, no. 13, p. 1-23. ISSN: 2076-2607.
NĚMCOVÁ, A.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; SAMEK, O.; CAGÁŇOVÁ, L.; SIPICZKI, M.; MÁROVÁ, I. Use of Waste Substrates for the Lipid Production by Yeasts of the Genus Metschnikowia—Screening Study. Microorganisms, 2021, vol. 9, no. 11, p. 1-23. ISSN: 2076-2607.
SZOTKOWSKI, M.; HOLUB, J.; ŠIMANSKÝ, S.; HUBAČOVÁ, K.; HLADKÁ, D.; NĚMCOVÁ, A.; MÁROVÁ, I. Production of Enriched Sporidiobolus sp. Yeast Biomass Cultivated on Mixed Coffee Hydrolyzate and Fat/Oil Waste Materials. Microorganisms, 2021, vol. 9, no. 9, p. 1-21. ISSN: 2076-2607.
BYRTUSOVÁ, D.; SZOTKOWSKI, M.; KUROWSKA, K.; SHAPAVAL, V.; MÁROVÁ, I. Rhodotorula kratochvilovae CCY 20-2-26-The Source of Multifunctional Metabolites. Microorganisms, 2021, vol. 9, no. 6, p. 1-18. ISSN: 2076-2607.
Responsibility: Márová Ivana, prof. RNDr., CSc.