Project detail

Studium vlivu aplikace biouhlu na charakter půdní organické hmoty - od multidisciplinární metodiky po interpretaci na molekulární úrovni

Duration: 1.1.2020 — 31.12.2022

Funding resources

Grantová agentura České republiky - Juniorské granty

- whole funder (2. 12. 2019 - 31. 12. 2022)

On the project

Předložený projekt si klade za cíl popsat efekt aplikace biouhlu jakožto zdroje stabilního uhlíku na fyzikální, chemické a (mikro)biologické pochody probíhající v půdě. V rámci řešení projektu bude rovněž posuzována stabilita půdní organické hmoty, její distribuce a dostupnost pro ostatní půdní komponenty. Originalita předloženého projektu spočívá v multidisciplinárním přístupu k řešení dané problematiky, který je reprezentován inovativním propojením studia vlivu aplikace biouhlu na základní charakteristiky půdy kombinací makroskopických analýz materiálů s jejich komplexní analýzou na molekulární úrovni. Získaný náhled do dynamiky půdní organické hmoty spolu s komplexní charakterizací jednotlivých skupin látek na molekulární úrovni napomůže definovat základní skupiny molekul zodpovědné za stabilizaci organické hmoty v půdě. Výsledky projektu významně pomohou při definovaní způsobu, jak cíleně modifikovat rovnováhu ve studovaném přírodním systému (půdě) pomocí aplikace vhodné formy stabilizované organické hmoty (např. biouhlu).

Description in English
The main aim of the project is to contribute to the understanding of physical, chemical and (micro)biological processes in soil after the application of biochar as a stable carbon source. Moreover, the organic matter stability, its distribution and availability to the other components in soil will be addressed in the project as well. A novelty and originality of the project can be found in multidisciplinary approach represented by the innovative interconnection of the study of biochar effects on soil characteristics obtained by macroscopic analyses of bulk materials together with their in-depth analyses on molecular level. These crucial insights into soil organic matter dynamics together with in-depth characterisation of the individual organic matter pools on molecular level will be used to define the basic organic matter families of molecules responsible for the organic matter stabilization in soils. The results of the project will help to predict the ways, how to adjust the equilibrium in such a system in required way through the addition of stable organic matter (e.g. biochar).

biouhel;chemická frakcionace;kultivace;molekulární charakterizace;půdní organická hmota;sekvestrace uhlíku

Key words in English
biochar;carbon sequestration;chemical fractionation;cultivation;molecular characterization;soil organic matter



Default language


People responsible

Kalina Michal, Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Bačovská Šárka, Ing. - fellow researcher
Enev Vojtěch, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Kubíková Leona - fellow researcher
Mravcová Ludmila, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Smilek Jiří, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher


Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry
- responsible department (28.3.2019 - 2.4.2019)
Materials Research Centre
- responsible department (2.4.2019 - not assigned)
Materials Research Centre
- co-beneficiary (1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023)
Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry
- beneficiary (28.3.2019 - not assigned)


BAČOVSKÁ, Š.; MRAVCOVÁ, L.; POŘÍZKA, J.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; KALINA, M. The Effect of Biochar Particle Size on the Leaching of Organic Molecules and Macro- and Microelements. Agronomy, 2024, vol. 14, no. 2, p. 1-24. ISSN: 2073-4395.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; ENEV, V.; HAJZLER, J.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; KALINA, M. Biochar as a Soil Conditioner in Modern Agriculture – Study on its Degradation Processes in Soil. In Book of Extended Abstracts - Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability Congress. Porto, Portugalsko: Univesidade do Porto, Faculdade de Sciencias, 2022. p. 26-29. ISBN: 9782832512258.

POLÁŠKOVÁ, N.; KALINA, M.; SOVOVÁ, Š.; SMILEK, J. Study on the Influence of Biochar on Physico-chemical Properties of Soil. Proceedings 12th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application, 2022, no. 1, p. 142-148. ISSN: 2694-930X.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; ENEV, V.; HAJZLER, J.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; KALINA, M. Biochar as a Soil Conditioner in Modern Agriculture – Study on its Degradation Processes in Soil. Book of abstracts, Smart and Circular Agriculture towards Sustainability. Porto, Portugalsko: Univesidade do Porto, Faculdade de Sciencias, 2022. p. 26-26. ISBN: 978-989-33-3567-3.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; KALINA, M.; ENEV, V.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L. The effect of biochar cultivation in soil on the physicochemical characteristics of soil and biochar. Book of abstracts, Smart and circular Agriculture towards Sustainability. Porto, Portugal: Universidade do Porto, Faculdade de Sciencias, 2022. p. 19-19. ISBN: 978-989-33-3567-3.

KALINA, M.; SOVOVÁ, Š.; ŠVEC, J.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; HAJZLER, J.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; ENEV, V. The Effect of Pyrolysis Temperature and the Source Biomass on the Properties of Biochar Produced for the Agronomical Appli-cations as the Soil Conditioner. Materials, 2022, vol. 15, no. 24, p. 1-13. ISSN: 1996-1944.

KALINA, M.; SOVOVÁ, Š.; HAJZLER, J.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; SMILEK, J.; ENEV, V. Biochar Texture – A Parameter Influencing Physicochemical Properties, Morphology, and Agronomical Potential. Agronomy, 2022, vol. 12, no. 8, p. 1768-1783. ISSN: 2073-4395.

ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KALINA, M.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Accessing the Organic Matter in Biochar Using Chemical Fractionation. XXII. Workshop of Biophysical Chemists and Electrochemists. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2022. p. 60-61. ISBN: 978-80-280-0087-5.

ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KALINA, M.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Advantages of using chemical fractionation to alkaline extraction for accessing the organic matter in biochar. 5th International Conference on Nanomaterials Science and Mechanical Engineering. 1. Aveiro: UA Editora Universidade de Aveiro, 2022. p. 140-140. ISBN: 978-972-789-771-1.

ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KALINA, M.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Sequential chemical fractionation as a tool for accessing the organic matter in biochar. In CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - NANOCON 2021. Brno: 2021. p. 430-435. ISBN: 978-80-88365-00-6.

KALINA, M.; SOVOVÁ, Š.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; HAJZLER, J.; ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; POŘÍZKA, J.; SMILEK, J.; ENEV, V. Sequential Extraction of Organic Fractions from Biochar using Eluotropic Series of Organic Solvents. 1st International Joint Congress on "Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscape in the context of the European Green Deal". 1. Brienza (PZ), Italy: LE PENSEUR di Antoinetta Andriouli, 2021. p. 28-28. ISBN: 978-88-95315-82-9.

KALINA, M.; SOVOVÁ, Š.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; HAJZLER, J.; ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; POŘÍZKA, J.; SMILEK, J.; ENEV, V. Biochar a Promising Soil Conditioner - Study on its Effect on Soil Properties and Carbon Sequestration. 1st International Joint Congress on "Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscape in the context of the European Green Deal". 1. Brienza (PZ), Italy: LE PENSEUR di Antoinetta Andriouli, 2021. p. 30-30. ISBN: 978-88-95315-82-9.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; ENEV, V.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; HAJZLER, J.; POŘÍZKA, J.; SMILEK, J.; KALINA, M. The Effect of Biochar Application on Soil Properties and Growth of Model Plant (ZEA MAYS). 1st International Joint Congress on "Sustainable Management of Cultural Landscape in the context of the European Green Deal". 1. Brienza (PZ), Italy: LE PENSEUR di Antoinetta Andriouli, 2021. p. 56-56. ISBN: 978-88-95315-82-9.

ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KALINA, M.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Sequential Chemical Fractionation as a Tool for Accessing the Organic Matter in Biochar. Studentská odborná konference CHEMIE JE ŽIVOT 2021 - Sborník příspěvků. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta chemická, 2021. p. 90-91. ISBN: 978-80-214-6001-0.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; ENEV, V.; SMILEK, J.; KUBÍKOVÁ, L.; TRUDIČOVÁ, M.; HAJZLER, J.; KALINA, M. The Effect of Biochar Application on Soil Properties and Growth of the Model Plant Zea Mays. ECOCYCLES, 2021, vol. 7, no. 2, p. 46-54. ISSN: 2416-2140.

ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KALINA, M.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Study of Supramolecular Structure of Humic Acids. Conference Proceedings, 30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021). European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers, 2021. p. 1-2.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; KURKOVÁ, M.; ŠTORKOVÁ, N.; ENEV, V.; KALINA, M. Biochar – A Promissing Soil Conditioner for Agriculture. Conference Proceedings, 30th International Meeting on Organic Geochemistry (IMOG 2021). Sep 2021. Montpelier, France: IMOG, 2021. p. 1-2.

KALINA, M.; ŠIRŮČEK, D.; SOVOVÁ, Š.; ENEV, V. Light Scattering Techniques as a Key for Accessing of the Molecular Weight and Size of Humic Substances Originating from Different Source Materials. 2021. p. 1-2.

ŠIRŮČEK, D.; KALINA, M.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Influence of the application of lignite on the distribution of organic carbon in soil. In CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS - NANOCON 2020. Proceedings 12th International Conference on Nanomaterials - Research & Application. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd., 2020. p. 489-494. ISBN: 978-80-87294-98-7. ISSN: 2694-930X.

SOVOVÁ, Š.; KALINA, M.; ENEV, V.; KURKOVÁ, M.; ŠTORKOVÁ, N. The utilization of biochar as a conditioner for soil enrichment. Copernicus, 2021. p. 1 (1 s.).

Responsibility: Kalina Michal, Ing., Ph.D.