Project detail

Pokročilé adamantany

Duration: 1.7.2017 — 30.6.2021

Funding resources

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu ČR - TRIO

- part funder

On the project

Připravovaný projekt je zaměřen na syntézu derivátů adamantanového typu. Výzkumné cíle předkládaného projektu budou soustředěny do přípravy a výroby perspektivních mono- a více substituovaných derivátů adamantanu určených pro mikroelektroniku nebo speciální využití. Při výzkumu bude důraz kladen na zvýšení ekologičnosti výroby adamantanových sloučenin a snížení energetické náročnosti jejich výrob.

Description in English
Objectives of the project will concentrate on preparation downstream substituted derivatives of adamantane intended for pharmaceutical intermediates, microelectronics or special applications. The project is spread over five years (a total of 48 months). The basic principles of the project are particularly good and clear composition of the project consortium, results orientation, clearly defined time and financial plan implementation and effective budget and financial management of the project.

adamantany, optimalizace procesu, deriváty adamantanu, organická elektronika

Key words in English
adamantanes, process optimization, adamantane derivatives, organic electronics



Default language


People responsible

Krajčovič Jozef, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection
- responsible department (30.10.2016 - not assigned)
Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Environmental Protection
- beneficiary (1.7.2017 - 30.6.2021)


Cigánek, M.; Kratochvíl, M.; Yumusak, C.; Sariciftci, N. S.; Krajčovič, J. Thionation of lactam-containing organic pigments as a synthetic tool for near-infrared absorbing n-type semiconductors. 9th Meeting on CHEMISTRY & LIFE for Sustainable Future - Book of Abstracts. Brno, Česká republika: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta chemická, 2024. p. 86-86.

Kratochvíl, M.; Yumusak, C.; Cigánek, M. Thionated DPPs as candidate materials for bioelectronics. BioEl 2023: Program and book of abstracts. Kirchberg in Tirol, Austria: JKU LIOS, 2023. p. 83-83.

Cigánek, M.; Kratochvíl, M.; Yumusak, C.; Sariciftci, N. S.; Krajčovič, J. Dithioketopyrrolopyrroles (DTPPs) as near-infrared absorbing n-type semiconductors. 16th European Conference on Molecular Electronics - ABSTRACT BOOK. Bari, Itálie: Universitá degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro, 2023. p. 112-112. ISBN: 978-88-94952-41-4.

KRAJČOVIČ, J.; CIGÁNEK, M. Optical properties of tetrafluorobenzene and thiophene copolymer solutions. AIP conference proceedings, 2021, vol. 2411, no. 1, p. 1-5. ISSN: 0094-243X.

RICHTÁR, J.; CIGÁNEK, M.; JANČÍK PROCHÁZKOVÁ, A.; KOVALENKO, A.; SEELAJAROEN, H.; KRATOCHVÍL, M.; WEITER, M.; YUMUSAK, C.; SARICIFTCI, N.; LUKEŠ, V.; KRAJČOVIČ, J. Adamantane Substitution Effects on Crystallization and Electrooptical Properties of Epindolidione and Quinacridone Dyes. ChemPhotoChem, 2021, vol. 5, no. 12, p. 1059-1070. ISSN: 2367-0932.

KRATOCHVIL M.; CIGANEK M.; YUMUSAK C.; SEELAJAROEN H.; CISAROVA I.; FABRY J.; VALA M.; LUNAK S.; WEITER M.; SARICIFTCI N.S.; KRAJCOVIC J. Near-infrared absorbing hydrogen-bonded dithioketopyrrolopyrrole (DTPP) n-type semiconductors. DYES AND PIGMENTS, 2021, vol. 197, no. 1, p. 109884-109895. ISSN: 1873-3743.

RICHTÁR, J.; IVANOVÁ, L.; WHANG, D.; YUMUSAK, C.; WIELEND, D.; WEITER, M.; SCHARBER, M.; KOVALENKO, A.; SARICIFTCI, N.; KRAJČOVIČ, J. Tunable Properties of Nature-Inspired N,N '-Alkylated Riboflavin Semiconductors. MOLECULES, 2020, vol. 26, no. 1, p. 1-16. ISSN: 1420-3049.

JANČÍK PROCHÁZKOVÁ, A.; SCHARBER, M.; YUMUSAK, C.; JANČÍK, J.; MÁSILKO, J.; BRÜGGEMANN, O.; WEITER, M.; SARICIFTCI, N.; KRAJČOVIČ, J.; SALINAS, Y.; KOVALENKO, A. Synthesis conditions influencing formation of MAPbBr3 perovskite nanoparticles prepared by the ligand‑assisted precipitation method. Scientific Reports, 2020, vol. 10, no. 1, p. 1-12. ISSN: 2045-2322.

Anna Jancik Prochazkova, Yolanda Salinas, Cigdem Yumusak, Markus Clark Scharber, Oliver Brüggemann, Martin Weiter, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, Jozef Krajcovic, Alexander Kovalenko. Controlling Quantum Confinement in Luminescent Perovskite Nanoparticles for Optoelectronic Devices by the Addition of Water. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020, vol. 3, no. 2, p. 1242-1249. ISSN: 2574-0970.

CIGÁNEK, M.; HEINRICHOVÁ, P.; KOVALENKO, A.; KUČERÍK, J.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M.; KRAJČOVIČ, J. Improved crystallinity of the asymmetrical diketopyrrolopyrrole derivatives by the adamantane substitution. DYES AND PIGMENTS, 2019, no. 175, p. 108141-108149. ISSN: 1873-3743.

Cigdem Yumusak, Anna Jancik Prochazkova, Dogukan Hazar Apaydin, Hathaichanok Seelajaroen, Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci, Martin Weiter, Jozef Krajcovic, Yong Qin, Wei Zhang, Jixun Zhan, Alexander Kovalenko. Indigoidine – Biosynthesized organic semiconductor. DYES AND PIGMENTS, 2019, vol. 171, no. 12, p. 107768-107774. ISSN: 1873-3743.

JANČÍK PROCHÁZKOVÁ, A.; DEMCHYSHYN S.; YUMUSAK C.; MÁSILKO J.; BRUGGEMANN O.; WEITER M.; KALTENBRUNNER M.; SARICIFTCI N.S.; KRAJČOVIČ, J.; SALINAS Y.; KOVALENKO, A. Proteinogenic Amino Acid Assisted Preparation of Highly Luminescent Hybrid Perovskite Nanoparticles. ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2019, vol. 2, no. 7, p. 4267-4274. ISSN: 2574-0970.
