Project detail

Příprava tenkých fotokatalytických vrstev TiO2 pomocí piezoelektrického tisku

Duration: 1.1.2009 — 31.12.2011

Funding resources

Grantová agentura České republiky - Postdoktorandské granty

- part funder (1. 1. 2009 - 31. 12. 2011)

On the project

Description in English
Preparation of thin TiO2 Photocatalytic Layers by Inkjet Printing



Default language


People responsible

Dzik Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Faculty of Chemistry
- responsible department (6.1.2009 - not assigned)
Faculty of Chemistry
- beneficiary (6.1.2009 - not assigned)


MOROZOVA, M.; KLUSON, P.; DZIK, P.; VESELY, M.; BAUDYS, M.; KRYSA, J.; SOLCOVA O. The influence of various deposition techniques on the photoelectrochemical properties of the titanium dioxide thin film. JOURNAL OF SOL-GEL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2013, vol. 65, no. 3, p. 452-458. ISSN: 0928-0707.

VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.: kontaktní úhel; Meřící cela pro studium fotokatalytické hydrofilizace. Fakulta chemická, lab. 3078.. (funkční vzorek)

MOROZOVÁ, M.; KLUSOŇ, P.; KRÝSA, J.; VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.; ŠOLCOVÁ, O. Electrochemical Properties of TiO2 Electrode Prepared by Various Methods. Procedia Engineering, 2012, vol. 2012, no. 42, p. 573-580. ISSN: 1877-7058.

VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.: deskový reaktor; Integrovaný analyzátor fotokatalytické aktivity samočistících povrchů. Fakulta chemická, lab. 3078.. (funkční vzorek)

VYHNALÍKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; BALAŠTÍKOVÁ, R.; DZIK, P. Decomposition of VOC in Surface Dielectric Barriere Discharge Combined with in situ Photocatalyzis. Chemické listy. Brno: 2011. p. S904 (S904 p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

DZIK, P.; MOROZOVÁ, M.; KLUSOŇ, P.; VESELÝ, M. Photocatalytic and Self-cleaning Properties of Titania Coatings Prepared by Inkjet Direct Patterning of a Reverse Micelles Sol-gel Composition. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2012, vol. 15, no. 1, p. 89-97. ISSN: 1203-8407.

MOROZOVÁ, M.; KLUSOŇ, P.; KRÝSA, J.; DZIK, P.; VESELÝ, M.; ŠOLCOVÁ, O. Thin TiO2 films prepared by inkjet printing of the reverse micelles sol-gel composition. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2011, vol. 160, no. 1, p. 371-378. ISSN: 0925-4005.

DZIK, P.; MOROZOVÁ, M.; VESELÝ, M. Photocatalytic and Selfcleaning Properties of Titania Coatings Prepared by Inkjet Direct Patterning of a Reverse Micelles Sol-gel Composition. London, Ontario: Redox Technologies, Inc., 2011. p. 35-35.

DZIK, P.; VESELÝ, M. Solution processed titania coatings fabricated by inkjet material deposition. Chemické listy. Praha: Česká společnost chemická, 2011. p. s891 ( p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

LIPENSKÁ, M.; VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.; VESELÁ, M. Photocatalytic inactivation of the yeast on titanium dioxide thin layers. Proceedings, 5th Meeting on Chemistry and Life. Chemické listy. Praha: Česká společnost chemická, 2011. p. s900 ( p.)ISBN: 0009-2770. ISSN: 0009-2770.

DZIK, P.; VESELÝ, M. Inkjet printed layers of TiO2: influence of printing variables on the layers structure. Third International Conference on Semiconductor Photochemistry. Book of abstracts. Glasgow, Scotland: University of Strathclyde, 2010. p. 139-139.

DZIK, P.; VESELÝ, M.; CHOMOUCKÁ, J. Thin Layers of Photocatalytic TiO2 Prepared by Inkjet Printing of a Solgel Precursor. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES, 2010, vol. 13, no. 2, p. 172-183. ISSN: 1203-8407.

ČERNÁ, M.; VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P. Physical and chemical properties of titanium dioxide printed layers. CATALYSIS TODAY, 2011, vol. 161, no. 1, p. 97-104. ISSN: 0920-5861.

VYHNALÍKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; BALAŠTÍKOVÁ, R.; DZIK, P. Decomposition of VOC in Surface Dielectric Barrier Discharges Combined with in situ Photocatalyzis. In Book of Contributed Papers: 18th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes and Workshop on Plasmas as a Planetary Atmospheres Mimics. Bratislava: 2011. p. 136-140. ISBN: 978-80-89186-77-8.

Responsibility: Dzik Petr, doc. Ing., Ph.D.