SOLNÝ, T.; DLABAJOVÁ, L.; OPRAVIL, T.; PTÁČEK, P.; BŘEZINA, M.; ŠVEC, J.; MÁSILKO, J.; AMBAT, R. Preparation of magnetic nanoparticles by one step synthesis with morphology of particles changed based on time of reaction and temperature treatment. Journal of Experimental Nanoscience, 2021, vol. 16, no. 1,
p. 1-10. ISSN: 1745-8099.
Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library2018
Vodackova,P Vranikova,B Svacinova,P, Franc,A Elbl,J Muselik,J Kubalak,R Solny,T. Evaluation and Comparison of Three Types of Spray Dried Coprocessed Excipient Avicel (R) for Direct Compression. BioMed Research International, 2018, vol. 1, no. 1,
p. 1-15. ISSN: 2314-6133.
Detail | WWWKOPLÍK, J.; SOLNÝ, T.; KALINA, L.; MÁSILKO, J. Immobilization of Sr2+, Bi3+ and Zn2+ in Alkali-activated Materials Based on Blast Furnace Slag and Fly Ash. In Non-Traditional Cement and Concrete. Key Engineering Materials (print). Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 2018.
p. 15-18. ISSN: 1013-9826.
Detail | WWW2017
SOLNÝ, T.; PTÁČEK, P.; GALVÁNKOVÁ, L.; MÁSILKO, J.; TKACZ, J.; DAMBORSKÝ, P. Investigation on preparation of 2D shaped magnetite nanoparticles by precipitation of Mohr's salt. In 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOMATERIALS - RESEARCH & APPLICATION (NANOCON 2016). 1. OSTRAVA: TANGER LTD, 2017.
p. 189-194. ISBN: 978-80-87294-71-0.
DetailSEDLÁČEK, P.; BARTONÍČKOVÁ, E.; MÁSILKO, J.; ENEV, V.; SOLNÝ, T. Kompletní materiálová charakterizace vzorků půd, biouhlů a směsí půd-biouhel (Etapa I). 2017.
p. 1-7.
DetailSOLNÝ, T.; OPRAVIL, T. Development and research of wick substitute materials in hydrocarbon candles. 2017.
DetailSOLNÝ, T. Závěrečná zpráva z výzkumu pro firmu TOPCORE, s.r.o. 2017.
TÜRKEOVÁ, I.; SOLNÝ, T.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M. Study of the glass transition of co- amorphous drug by DMA. In XVI. Workshop of physical chemists and electrochemists Book of abstracts. 1. Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic: MUNI press, 2016.
p. 212-214. ISBN: 978-80-210-8267- 0.
DetailTomáš Solný, Petr Ptáček, Jiří Másilko, Jakub Tkacz, Eva Bartoníčková, Svava Davidsdóttir, Rajan Ambat. TiO2 surface coating of Mn-Zn dopped ferrites study. In 6th Conference on Chemistry and Life, 2015. Materials Science Forum. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 2016.
p. 153-158. ISSN: 0255-5476.
DetailGALVÁNKOVÁ, L.; MÁSILKO, J.; SOLNÝ, T.; ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E. Tobermorite synthesis under hydrothermal conditions. In International Conference on Ecology and new Building materials and products. Procedia Engineering. Elsevier, 2016.
p. 100-107. ISSN: 1877-7058.
Detail | WWW | Full text in the Digital Library2015
SOLNÝ, T.; MÁSILKO, J.; ŠVEC, J.; KRATOCHVÍL, J.; PAŘÍZEK, L.; BEDNÁREK, J. Study of Surface Treatment of Freshly Fabricated Concrete Roof Tiles. Advanced Materials Research (online), 2015, vol. 1124, no. 1662-8985,
p. 76-82. ISSN: 1662-8985.
Detail | WWWSOLNÝ, T.; PTÁČEK, P.; MÁSILKO, J. Preparation of magnetic nano- sized iron oxide particles. CEITEC PhD Retreat : Book of Abstracts : 23–24 April 2015, Valtice, Czech Republic. 1. Brno: Masarykova Universita, 2015.
p. 118-118. ISBN: 978-80-210-7825- 3.
DetailSOLNÝ, T.; BARTONÍČKOVÁ, E.; PTÁČEK, P. Preparation and TiO2 Coating of nanosized magnetic particles. In NANOCON 2015: 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NANOMATERIALS - RESEARCH & APPLICATION. 1st Edition 2015. Ostrava: Tanger Ltd, 2015.
p. 226-230. ISBN: 978-80-87294-63- 5.
DetailDIVIŠ, P.; SOLNÝ, T.; PTÁČEK, P.; ADAMEC, V.; BILÍK, M.; BRADÁČ, A.; SCHÜLLEROVÁ, B. Analysis of tire composition for further detection of tire marks on the road. Czech Chemical Society Symposium Series, 2015, vol. 13, no. 2,
p. 137-138. ISSN: 2336- 7210.
SOLNÝ, T.; KOSÁR, P.; KALINA, L. Surface treatment of concrete roof tiles. In Ecology and New Building Materials and Products. Advanced Materials Research. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications, 2014.
p. 261-264. ISSN: 1022-6680.
DetailOPRAVIL, T.; PTÁČEK, P.; MÁSILKO, J.; ŠVEC, J.; SOLNÝ, T. Souhrné analýzy energetických produktů. Brno: CMV FCH VUT, 2014.
p. 1-39.
OPRAVIL, T.; SOLNÝ, T. Výzkum bezborového lepidla pro lepení papírových dutinek. 2013.
p. 1-13.
SOLNÝ, T. Non Freezing Heat Transfer Liquids Research and Optimalization. In Studentská konference Chemie je život Sborník příspěvků. VUT V Brně, Fakulta Chemická, 2012.
p. 429-433. ISBN: 978-80-214-4644- 1.
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