Doctoral student Ing. Martin Súkeník succeeded in the Brno Ph.D. competition in 2023 Talent competition and thus won a scholarship to support his research in the framework of his dissertation entitled Encapsulation of plant growth-promoting bacteria through gelation of polysaccharides produced by them as a route to a new generation of bioinoculants.

The Dean's Award for Outstanding Academic Achievement was awarded to the following students of the Institute in 2023: Bc. Jakub Koláček, Bc. Ludmila Kouřilová, Ing. Martin Kadlec, Ing. Rastislav Smolka, Ing. Vojtěch Dobiáš, Ing. Stevan Gavranovic.

The project Revitalization of agricultural land in drought-prone areas of the Czech Republic won the TA ČR competition for the Czech Idea 2022 award in the category Society. Prof. Pekar's team from the Institute of Physical and Consumer Chemistry of the Technical University of Technology and the Faculty of Horticulture at MENDELU, OSEVA Development and Research s.r.o. and Zemědělský výzkum, spol. s r.o. collaborated on the project.

On September 21, 2017, the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic awarded the Faculty of Chemistry of Brno University of Technology the TA ČR Award in the category of Originality of Solutions for cooperation on the project Research and development of advanced thin-film elements for direct monitoring of time variables using precisely calibratable colour change. The project was carried out at the Faculty of Chemistry by a team led by Prof. Michal Vesely.