Polymer Materials – BC_POM
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: Mgr. František Kučera, Ph.D.
Practical Introduction to nanotechnology – BC_UN_P
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Stanislav Obruča, Ph.D.
Practice in environmental technologies – BC_PET
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: doc. Mgr. Renata Komendová, Ph.D.
Practice in environmental technology – MC_PET
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Jozef Krajčovič, Ph.D.
Příprava a vlastnosti tenkých vrstev materiálů – DCO_PTV
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Vladimír Čech, Ph.D.
Preparation and properties of thin layers of materials – DA_PTV
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Vladimír Čech, Ph.D.
Preparatory Chemistry Course – CZV_PK
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: doc. Mgr. Michaela Vašinová Galiová, Ph.D.
Principles of Pharmacy – MC_VKF
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: doc. PharmDr. Ing. Radka Opatřilová, Ph.D.
Postupy a procesy ve výrobní praxi – MC_PPVP
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc.
Procesy a postupy ve výrobní praxi – MC_PVP
FCHsummer semesterGuarantor: prof. RNDr. Ivana Márová, CSc.
Processes of transportation – DCO_TPD
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Martina Klučáková, Ph.D.
Processing and valorization of industrial waste – MC_ZVPO
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. Pavel Diviš, Ph.D.
Production Technology of Polymers, Composits and Silicates – BC_VYP
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. Ing. František Šoukal, Ph.D.
Progresses in physical chemistry – DCO_PFCH
FCHall-year semesterGuarantor: prof. Ing. Miloslav Pekař, CSc.
Quality Systems in Pharmacy and Medicine – MC_SJZ
FCHwinter semesterGuarantor: doc. PharmDr. Ing. Radka Opatřilová, Ph.D.