Course detail
Industrial, Municipal and Landscape Water Management
FCH-BC_VHPAcad. year: 2025/2026
Base of water management, hydrology and hydropedology, water sources protection, organisation structure of catchment areas, water reservoirs functions, stream regulation, functions of irrigation systems, water supply, wastewater systems, base of balneology and balneotechnique, impact of industrial activities on water and wastewater quality, organisation structure of water management in different branches of industry
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Not applicable.
Entry knowledge
Not applicable.
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Course credit is awarded after successfully completing two written tests in the middle and at the end of the semester. The tests are primarily focused on the evaluation of the knowledge, orientation in the issues, the ability to use knowledge. For successful test is required to get at least 6 out of 10 possible points in both tests.
Attendance at lectures is not compulsory, but is recommended.
Attendance at lectures is not compulsory, but is recommended.
The objective of the course is to provide students with the necessary knowledge and information from the field of base of water management and used water in diferent branches of idustry and urban areas.
Získané znalosti a dovednosti usnadní absolventovi kurzu účinné zapojení do úzké spolupráce s vodohospodáři při řešení vodního hospodářství krajiny, zejména se zaměřením na:
1. kvalitu vody a její ochranu
2. zlepšování kvality a využívání vody
3. jímání a odběr vody, uspořádání přívodu a rozvodu vody
4. ochranu povodí a vodních zdrojů
5. návrh a uspořádáním vodohospodářských soustav
6. regulaci vodního režimu krajiny a obcí
7. úpravu vody a čištění odpadních vod.
Student získá úvodní poznatky pro navazující předměty zaměřené na úpravu vody, čištění odpadních vod aj.
Získané znalosti a dovednosti usnadní absolventovi kurzu účinné zapojení do úzké spolupráce s vodohospodáři při řešení vodního hospodářství krajiny, zejména se zaměřením na:
1. kvalitu vody a její ochranu
2. zlepšování kvality a využívání vody
3. jímání a odběr vody, uspořádání přívodu a rozvodu vody
4. ochranu povodí a vodních zdrojů
5. návrh a uspořádáním vodohospodářských soustav
6. regulaci vodního režimu krajiny a obcí
7. úpravu vody a čištění odpadních vod.
Student získá úvodní poznatky pro navazující předměty zaměřené na úpravu vody, čištění odpadních vod aj.
Study aids
Not applicable.
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable.
Basic literature
MŽP - Zpráva o stavu vodního hospodářství České republiky (CS)
Šálek Jan: Vodní hospodářství průmyslu, obcí a krajiny, 2020
Šálek Jan: Vodní hospodářství průmyslu, obcí a krajiny, 2020
Recommended reading
Králová,H.Řeky pro život.Revitalizace řek a péče o nivní biotopy.Brno:Veronika,2001439s,
Malý J.,Šálek,J.Vodní hospodářství skládek domovního odpadu a čištění průsakových vod. Brno:Akad.nakl.CERM,2002,124s
Malý J.,Šálek,J.Vodní hospodářství skládek domovního odpadu a čištění průsakových vod. Brno:Akad.nakl.CERM,2002,124s
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme BKCP_ECHBM Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
- Programme BPCP_ECHBM Bachelor's 2 year of study, winter semester, compulsory-optional
Type of course unit
26 hod., optionally
Teacher / Lecturer
1. Introduction to a water management organization, linking to the EU rules. Historical development of water management. Legislation in water management. Basics of meteorology and climatology, utilization, excursions to the meteorological station in the Institute of landscape water management at Faculty of Civil Engineering, BUT
2. Fundamentals of Hydrology, processing and use of hydrological knowledge. Wetlands. Hydropedology, soil properties, soil types and soil types, soil water, the spread of contamination in the soil environment. Redevelopment of contaminated soils.
3. Sources of water for the population and industry. Principles of watershed protection, protection of water resources. Point and diffuse pollution. Effect of municipalities, industry and agriculture on water quality.
4. Alteration of waterways and streams. Sediment transport and pollution. Revitalization of watercourses and landscape. Water transport and waterways. Flood protection. Redevelopment of land and buildings after the flood.
5. Tanks and water management systems. Functions and procedures. Ponds and purpose reservoirs. The arrangement of reservoirs, water withdrawals, transfer of large water retention. Industrial tanks, types, layout and utilization.
6. Management of the landscape water regime. The arrangement of irrigation and drainage. The requirements for the quantity and quality of irrigation water. Application of wastewater and manure for irrigation.
7. Drinking water supply. The need for water collection, pumping, supply, distribution and storage of water in reservoirs. Engineering networks in cities and industry. Water in urban environments. Aesthetic water feature.
8. Waste water, ballast water and rain water. Sewerage, types of sewers, sewer systems configuration. Use and management of rain water. Fundamentals of hydrotherapy and balneology. Swimming pools, indoor pools and natural swimming pool.
9. The need for water for agriculture and livestock operation. Agricultural application of waste. Principles of composting. Water food industry. The use of treated wastewater from the food industry.
10. Water management of selected industries. The design and layout of landfills, storage and disposal of seepage water, collection and utilization of landfill gas. Water management planning and water management research.
2. Fundamentals of Hydrology, processing and use of hydrological knowledge. Wetlands. Hydropedology, soil properties, soil types and soil types, soil water, the spread of contamination in the soil environment. Redevelopment of contaminated soils.
3. Sources of water for the population and industry. Principles of watershed protection, protection of water resources. Point and diffuse pollution. Effect of municipalities, industry and agriculture on water quality.
4. Alteration of waterways and streams. Sediment transport and pollution. Revitalization of watercourses and landscape. Water transport and waterways. Flood protection. Redevelopment of land and buildings after the flood.
5. Tanks and water management systems. Functions and procedures. Ponds and purpose reservoirs. The arrangement of reservoirs, water withdrawals, transfer of large water retention. Industrial tanks, types, layout and utilization.
6. Management of the landscape water regime. The arrangement of irrigation and drainage. The requirements for the quantity and quality of irrigation water. Application of wastewater and manure for irrigation.
7. Drinking water supply. The need for water collection, pumping, supply, distribution and storage of water in reservoirs. Engineering networks in cities and industry. Water in urban environments. Aesthetic water feature.
8. Waste water, ballast water and rain water. Sewerage, types of sewers, sewer systems configuration. Use and management of rain water. Fundamentals of hydrotherapy and balneology. Swimming pools, indoor pools and natural swimming pool.
9. The need for water for agriculture and livestock operation. Agricultural application of waste. Principles of composting. Water food industry. The use of treated wastewater from the food industry.
10. Water management of selected industries. The design and layout of landfills, storage and disposal of seepage water, collection and utilization of landfill gas. Water management planning and water management research.