Course detail
Physical Chemistry of Colloidal Dispersions
FCH-MC_FCDAcad. year: 2024/2025
Classification and properties of disperse systems: kinetic and dynamic properties of disperse systems.
Thermal motion dynamics and consequences: osmosis, diffusion, concentration fluctuations.
Sedimentation and sedimentation analysis. Viscosity of disperse systems.
Elastic light scattering, quasi-elastic light scattering.
Macromolecular systems: classifiacation, configuration and stereoregularity.
Conformation statistics, freely-rotating chain, freely-jointed chain, constrained chain, equivalent chain, persistent length of chain, domain of macromolecule clusters.
Thermodynamics of polymer solutions, combinatoric entropy and enthalpy of mixing, Flory-Huggins equation, interaction parameter.
Phase behavior of polymer solutions, the critical dissolving temperature, the critical composition.
Diluted polymer solutions, random coil conformation, Flory-Fox equation, hydrodynamic properties of polymer solutions, osmotic pressure.
Polyelectrolytes: conformation, electrostatic effects, the ionic atmosphere, membrane and osmotic equilibria.
Macromolecular gels, covalently crosslinked polymers, gelation, ionogenic gels, swelling behavior, thermodynamics of elasticity, rheological properties, physically crosslinked polymers.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
compulsory attendance on seminars
Students will obtain the theoretical knowledge of polymer physics and physical chemistry of macromolecular systems.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Recommended reading
Doi M.: Introduction to Polymer Physic. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1996. (EN)
Gedde U. W.: Polymer Physics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 1995. (EN)
Holzmüller W., Altenburg K.: Fyzika polymerů. SNTL Praha, Praha 1966. (CS)
Meissner B., Zilvar V.: Fyzika polymerů. SNTL/ALFA, Praha 1987. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
- Programme NKCP_CHCHTE Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
- Programme NPCP_CHCHTE Master's 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
- Programme NPCP_CHMA Master's
specialization CHBL , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory-optional
specialization BF , 1 year of study, summer semester, compulsory
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Thermal motion and its concequences.
3. Sedimentation and sedimentation analysis. Viscosity of disperse systems.
4. Elastic light scattering,
5. Experimental evaluation of elastic (static) light scattering. Quasi-elastic (dynamic) light scattering.
6. Macromolecules, conformation statistics, freely-jointed and freely-rotated chain.
7. Constrained chain, local conformations, equivalent chain, persistent length of the chain.
8. Thermodynamics of polymer solutions, combinatoric entropy of mixing.
9. Enthalpy of mixing, Flory-Huggins equation.
10. Phase behavior of polymer solutions. Diluted polymer solutions, random coil conformation.
11. Flory-Fox equation, hydrodynamic properties of polymer solutions, osmotic pressure, polydispersity, polyelectrolytes, membrane and osmotic equillibria.
12. Macromolecular gels, covalently crosslinked gels, ionogenic gels, swelling behavior, physically crosslinked gels.
Guided consultation in combined form of studies
Teacher / Lecturer
Teacher / Lecturer
Ve cvičení (2 hod. jednou za dva týdny) budou řešeny výpočtové úlohy v rámci probírané tématiky, výuka je členěna do následujících bloků:
- obecné vlastnosti disperzních soustav (lichý)
- obecné vlastnosti disperzních soustav (sudý)
- kinetické vlastnosti disperzních soustav (lichý)
- kinetické vlastnosti disperzních soustav (sudý)
- viskozita disperzních soustav (lichý)
- viskozita disperzních soustav (sudý)
- rozptyl světla a turbidita (lichý)
- rozptyl světla a turbidita (sudý)
- zředěné roztoky polymerů (lichý)
- zředěné roztoky polymerů (sudý)
- polyelektrolyty a Donnanovy rovnováhy (lichý)
- polyelektrolyty a Donnanovy rovnováhy (sudý)
- obhajoby semestrálních projektů