Course detail
Fundamentals of Chemistry and Technology of Glass and Ceramics
FCH-BC_TKSAcad. year: 2024/2025
Basic element structures of silicate materials, definition and classification of ceramics, structure and properties of ceramics, bonds in ceramic materials, raw materials, technological process of production of traditional ceramic materials based on clay raw materials, technical ceramics, refractory materials, definition, type, characteristics, properties and applications, advanced ceramics, oxide ceramics, non-oxide ceramics, ceramic materials for medical applications, superconducting ceramics, glass-ceramics, glass and crystalline coatings, definitions, characteristics, properties and uses of glass, types of glass according to chemical composition, technological process of glass production, glass melting process, melt characteristics, glass furnaces, types, construction,
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Students will acquire overview of basic chemical and phase systems and their changes in silicate chemistry.
Students will acquire basic knowledge of raw materials for the silicate materials production.
Students will be able to gain the knowledge of bases of technology of the production of glass and ceramics.
Students will acquire the knowledge of physical and chemical reactions occurring in the processing of glass, ceramics.
Students will be able to recognize different types of glass, ceramics, especially their normative .
Students will acquire knowledge of basic properties of the various types of glass and ceramics.
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
Hanykýř V., Kutzendörfer J.: Technologie keramiky, VEGA,Praha 2000 (CS) (CS)
Hlaváč J., Základy technologie silikátů, SNTL Praha 1981 (CS) (CS)
Kingery W.D. et all: Introduction to Ceramics,1976 John Wileys and Sons (CS) (EN)
Recommended reading
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Definition and classification of ceramics, structure and properties of ceramics.
3. Funamental natural raw materials for ceramics production
4. Special, processed and technical raw materials for ceramics producion.
5. 3. The technological process of production of traditional ceramic materials based on clay raw materials.
6. Refractory materials, definition, type, characteristics, properties and applications.
7. Technical ceramics, oxide ceramics, non-oxide ceramics, phospate ceramics
8. Definitions, characteristics, properties and uses of glass, types of glass according to chemical composition.
9. Fundamental raw materials for glass production
10. The technological process of glass production, glass melting process, melt characteristics, glass furnaces, types, construction.
11. Glazes, enamels, glass and crystalline coatings Glass-ceramics.
12. Lecture of a specialist from industry.
13. Lecture of a specialist from industry.