Course detail
Metallic Materials
FCH-BC_KOVAcad. year: 2024/2025
1. Metal bond.
2. Basic types of crystal lattice.
3. Miller´s indicies, groups of equivalent planes.
4. Categorization of metals according their properties, purity. Polymorphism of metals.
5. Defects o lattices.
6. Solid solutions (Hume-Rothery rules).
7. Gibbs energy. Nucleation, energy balance. TTT diagrams.
8. Binary diagrams.
9. Diffusion (Fick´s laws).
10. Heat treatment of metals.
11. Corrosion of metals.
12. Non-ferrous metals.
13. Lecture from experts in the field of metal materials.
Language of instruction
Number of ECTS credits
Mode of study
Entry knowledge
Structure of materials
Rules for evaluation and completion of the course
Subject is taught as lectures with voluntary attendance. According recent plan of study program there is no form of compulsory tasks in this subject.
Úspěšný absolvent předmětu dokáže zejména:
1) Na základě chemického složení materiálu popsat fázovou strukturu, určit chemickou povahu přítomných fází v zadané slitině,
2) Vysvětlit rozdíly ve struktuře hlavních typů ocelí a z jejich normového označení určit základní užitné vlastnosti (svařitelnost, kalitelnost, mez pevnosti, korozivzdornost),
3) Popsat specifika mosazí, bronzí, duralů a jiných slitin neželeznýh kovů,
4) Popsat základní postupy při výzkumu kovových materiálů (metalografie, mikroskopie s analýzou, korozní zkoušky, mechanické vlastnosti).
Study aids
Prerequisites and corequisites
Basic literature
WASSERBAUER, J.; TKACZ, J.; BŘEZINA, M. Praktikum z kovových materiálů. Praktikum z kovových materiálů. Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta chemická, 2017. s. 1-136. ISBN: 978-80-214-5463- 7. (CS)
W.D. Callister, Jr.: Materials Science and Engineering: An Introduction. 5th ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2000. (CS)
Recommended reading
P. Kratochvíl, P. Lukáč, B. Sprušil: Úvod do fyziky kovů I. SNTL, Praha 1984. (CS)
Z. Jonšta: Nauka o kovech II. VŠB-TU, Ostrava 2000. (CS)
Classification of course in study plans
Type of course unit
Teacher / Lecturer
2. Metal bond – deduction by method MO-LCAO, properties. Arrangement of atoms in crystal lattice.
3. Real structures – defects, their formation and their meaning for chemical, corrosion and mechanical properties of materials.
4. Alloys – solid solutions, intermetallic compounds, Hume – Rothery rules for solid solutions (based on chemical nature of mixed metals). Properties of intermetallic compounds.
5. Equilibrium binary phase diagrams, derivation of composition of alloys.
6. Kinetics and thermodynamics of phase transformations. Diffusion, its mechanisms and quantitative description (during coating formation).
7. Electrochemical properties of metals, corrosion, high-temperature corrosion. Chemistry of corrosion products.
8. Corrosion protection – chemical technology of surface treatments and pretreatments.
9. Means of research of metallic materials, corrosion mechanisms and surface treatments.
10. Basic steel grades. Their composition and information contained in their standardized designation.
11. Nonferrous metals and their alloys: Copper, brasses, bronzes. Aluminum, duralumins.
12. Nonferrous metals and their alloys: Magnesium, zinc, titanium, chromium, nickel, Summary of other metals and their use.
13. Lecture from experts in the field metal materials - metals, surface treatments, technological processes, heat treatment, metal bonding, etc.