Course detail

English for Chemists I

FCH-BC_A1Acad. year: 2019/2020

1. School where I study, universtiy facilities, student life, comparison of my school with a university abroad, dictionary and glossary skills etc.
2. Chemistry and matter, state of matter
3. All about atoms
4. Halogens
5. Inorganic nomenclature
6. Organic nomenclature

Language of instruction


Number of ECTS credits


Mode of study

Not applicable.

Learning outcomes of the course unit

General and specific vocabulary, basic grammar in specific texts, listening, writing, reading and speaking related to specific texts and to B1 CEFR level.


General English at B1 lower level.


Not applicable.

Planned learning activities and teaching methods

One teaching hour per a week. The e-learning system (LMS Moodle) is available to teachers and students. Teaching mehods - lecture, activisation methods, individualised learning, support of learning styles and strategies leading to development of life-long language learning competence, problem learning.

Assesment methods and criteria linked to learning outcomes

Completion of individual tests during the semester, satisfactory performance at seminars, succesfull completion of final credit test. To acquire the credit, the following requirements must be fulfilled: Attendance in lessons (1 absence is allowed), completion of individual tests during the semester, satisfactory performance at seminars, bringing a printed or electronic copy of study materials into seminars, succesfull completion of final credit test (75%) with inidividual test items passed at minimum 50%. Essay on an arbitrary element.

Course curriculum

1st - 2nd week: Study guide, description of the school I study, comparing my university with a foreign university presented in the video . Examples of specific texts, effective use of dictionaries. Grammar: present simple tense in specific texts and present continuous tense. Self-study: L 2-3 vocabulary, L3 grammar

3rd - 4th week: Lesson 2 - Chemistry and matter, vocabulary and basic phrases, reading professionally oriented texts , listening exercises, description of a simple graph. Lesson 3 - All about atoms. Reading and listening scientific text, description of an atom, vocabulary. Description of scientific phenomena using simpler text units. Listening for general understanding and for particular information. Self-study: grammar - irregular verbs (past simple).

5th - 6th week: Lesson 4 - Halogens. Vocabulary, reading and listening professional texts, the passive voice. Formation of questions. Listening focused on "Fluorine, chlorine" topic, vocabulary, oral description of individual elements of the halogen group. Self-study: Inorganic nomenclature I - naming elements, process verbs.

7th - 8th week: Lesson 5 - Inorganic Nomenclature I - Vocabulary "Chemical Elements” reading a scientific texts, thematic listening,
names of non-oxoacids, the basic differences in the English and Czech chemical nomeclature. Lesson 6 - Inorganic nomenclature II - names of binary and ternary compounds, oxoacids and their salts, and other compounds. Thematic listening, verbalization of chemical equations. Self-study: classification of organic compounds, naming hydrocarbons. Short written essay on an arbitrary element.

9th - 10th: Lessons 7 and 8 - organic nomenclature, classification of organic compounds. Characteristics of organic compounds - reading and oral description. Listening, pronunciation of complex names of organic compounds.

11th - 12th week: Lessons 7 and 8 - organic nomenclature exercises. Bonds in organic compouns, their reactions and description of reactions. Reading and performance of the "molecular drama". Feedback on student essays on elements and their properties. Self-study: revision of English for chemists I

13th week: revision, example credit test.

Work placements

Not applicable.


Development of vocabulary, grammar of specific texts, development of reading skills in both reading for gists and specific information, writing and listening skils with the aim to pass B1 level exam, proper use of synonyms and antonyms. Basic verb tense items such as present simple, past simple and passive voice in specific texts. Understanding the meaning of shorter written texts, writing of simpler specific texts, listening practice leading to the ability of getting specific information from spoken language. Development of speaking skills, description of a simple method, procedure or equipment.

Specification of controlled education, way of implementation and compensation for absences

The attendance at seminars is monitored. The part-time students also participate in organized lessons and they can consult the course issues with teachers. They use the electronic study materials available at VUT MOODLE e-learning.
Credit requirements: maximum one absence per semester, successful completion of tests, satisfactory performance at seminars, printed or electronic materials at seminars, successfully passed semester test (75%, each item minimum 50%).

Recommended optional programme components

Not applicable.

Prerequisites and corequisites

Not applicable.

Basic literature

English for Chemists I, Clemensová, G., Fišerová, L. (EN)

Recommended reading

Not applicable.


Type of course unit



13 hod., compulsory

Teacher / Lecturer
