Publication detail

Detrmination of naturally-occuring alkaloids in feed by UPLC-MS/MS

Martina Bolechová, Petra Kosubová, Makréta Pospíchalová

Original Title

Detrmination of naturally-occuring alkaloids in feed by UPLC-MS/MS





Original Abstract

Alkaloids, which are known as secondary metabolites, are produced by a large variety of organisms, including plants, fungi, bacteria and animals. Alkaloids are not crucial for the survival of the mentioned organisms, but for their protection. They are grouped by typical structural characteristics into large families such as pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) comprising more than 350 individual heterocyclic compounds. As other alkaloids PAs can cause severe human and animal health problems. Intoxications caused by PAs are described by hepatotoxicity with tendency to hemorrhagic necrosis and veno-occlusion in liver, pneumotoxicity, carcinogenity, mutagenity, and genotoxicity [1]. Thus, there is a need for methods that allow to determinate these dangerous plant toxins. In this study, fast, reliable and sensitive approach is proposed allowing simultaneous screening, identification and quantification of PAs in feed samples. Selected PAs representatives, namely monocrotaline, senkirkine, senecionine, seneciphylline and retrorsine, were determined by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). Sample preparation is based on a modified QuEChERS approach. Mean recovery, precision, matrix effects and limits of quantification (LOQ) were assessed for four matrices within the method validation. The presented method was applied to various feed samples of Czech production, which were expected to contain PAs. Seneciphylline was found as the most abundant, while monocrotaline, retrorsine, senecionine and senkirkine were determined in lower quantities. In general, feed samples with high content of chlorophyll showed the highest PAs levels. In addition, feed can be a source of other natural toxicants, which may affect health conditions of livestock. Thus, ergot alkaloids have been added into the presented method and validated pursuant to 2002/657/EC [2]. This up-to-date method for the simultaneous determination of the pyrrolizidine and ergot alkaloids has been applied to selected feed materials.


ergot alkaloids, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, chromatography, mass spectrometry


Martina Bolechová, Petra Kosubová, Makréta Pospíchalová


5. 11. 2013


ICT Prague Press


Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague


978 80 7080 861 0

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  author="Anna {Vávrová}",
  title="Detrmination of naturally-occuring alkaloids in feed by UPLC-MS/MS",
  publisher="ICT Prague Press",
  address="Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague",
  isbn="978 80 7080 861 0",