Project detail

Step towards Next-Generation production of polyhydroxyalkanoates - isolation of the polymer from extremophlic bacteria

Duration: 1.2.2021 — 31.1.2022

Funding resources

Evropská unie - Interní grantová soutěž

- whole funder (1. 2. 2021 - 31. 1. 2022)

On the project

Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) are microbial polyesters that are considered to be an ecological alternative to petrochemical polymers. Techno-economical aspects of biotechnological production of PHA can be substantially improved by employing extremophilic bacteria which bring numerous benefits to the process. In this project, we plan to utilize the unique features of extremophilic cells for the development of a novel “green” and economically feasible procedure for the isolation of the PHA polymers from bacterial biomass of halophilic and thermophilic bacteria.

Description in English
The aim of the project is to create a competition for student research grants and its pilot verification. The creation of a new competition will contribute to the development of cross-sectional skills of doctoral students, and thus acquire competencies for work in science and research in the future and increase their success in submitting scientific projects to national and international competitions.



Default language


People responsible

Nováčková Ivana, Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Kouřilová Xenie, Ing., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Mrázová Kateřina, Ing. - fellow researcher


Faculty of Chemistry
- responsible department (30.11.2020 - not assigned)
Faculty of Chemistry
- beneficiary (1.2.2021 - 31.1.2022)


NOVÁČKOVÁ, I.; KOUŘILOVÁ, X.; MRÁZOVÁ, K.; SEDLÁČEK, P.; KALINA, M.; KRZYZANEK, V.; KOLLER, M.; OBRUČA, S. Combination of Hypotonic Lysis and Application of Detergent for Isolation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Extremophiles. Polymers, 2022, vol. 14, no. 9, p. 1-16. ISSN: 2073-4360.

MRÁZOVÁ, K.; NOVÁČKOVÁ, I.; KOUŘILOVÁ, X.; OBRUČA, S.; KRZYŽÁNEK, V. The first insight on changes in PHA granules after extraction from extremophilic microorganisms. Microscopy 2021: Conference. 1. 2021. p. 81-81.

NOVÁČKOVÁ, I.; KOUŘILOVÁ, X.; MRÁZOVÁ, K.; OBRUČA, S. Environmentally-friendly Isolation of Polyhydroxyalkanoates from Extremophilic Bacteria. The EuroBiotech Journal. 2021. p. 99-99. ISSN: 2564-615X.