Project detail

Vzdělávání excelentních chemiků pro výzkum, vývoj a praxi

Duration: 1.9.2017 — 31.1.2021

Funding resources

Evropská unie - OP VVV PO1 Výzkumné infrastruktury pro vzdělávací účely

- whole funder

On the project

Projekt dobuduje a zmodernizuje infrastrukturu pro výuku spojenou s výzkumem. Podpoří rozvoj interdisciplinarity, spolupráce s průmyslovými i akademickými partnery. Realizuje dlouhodobý záměr VUT i Fakulty chemické, národní i krajské RIS3 strategie. Reaguje na požadavky trhu práce i studentů, nejnovější výzkumné trendy. Posílí motivaci špičkových studentů k dalšímu studiu a vytvoří předpoklady pro zabránění odchodu nadaných studentů do firem či na zahraniční pracoviště před ukončením studia.

Description in English
The main objective of the project is to complement the research infrastructure for the research program of Biophysical Chemistry, the preparation and accreditation of which is the subject of the related Call for Proposals Development of research-oriented study programs, thus contributing to the solution of the infrastructure part of the problems identified in section 3.1. The project is part of a set of high-quality general equipment for biophysical teaching closely linked to research, complemented by top infrastructure in a selected specialty of biophysical research, for which there are already prerequisites and experience at the applicant's faculty. Other project goals can be summarized as follows: - Replenishment of the infrastructure for the introduction and implementation of a new doctoral study program called Biophysical Chemistry in both Czech and English, including the possibility of studying "joint / multiple degrees", completing the necessary third stage of study for the Bachelor and Follow-up Master's Degree Program Chemistry for Medical Applications - and thus to fulfill selected national and regional strategic objectives; - completion and modernization of the PhD study program chemistry, technology and properties of materials on the basis of changing demand from the application sphere, - education of excellent and flexible graduates of doctoral studies able to solve independently and erudite current problems of research practice using the most modern techniques, - Strengthening and developing foreign faculty contacts in the field of research study programs and research itself (including the quality of publication outputs); infrastructure sharing with foreign partners, - strengthening the interdisciplinary nature of doctoral studies; - strengthening and developing cooperation with the application sphere; sharing infrastructure with corporate partners - supporting talented PhD students.

kvalita výuky; infrastruktura; přístroje; biofyzikální chemie

Key words in English
the quality of teaching; infrastructure; laboratory instruments; biophysical chemistry

Default language


People responsible

Pekař Miloslav, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


Materials Research Centre
- responsible department (26.8.2016 - not assigned)
Materials Research Centre
- beneficiary (26.8.2016 - not assigned)