Project detail

Electrical discharges with liquids for future applications

Duration: 11.4.2013 — 10.4.2017

Funding resources

Evropská unie - European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)

On the project

Plasmas generated in liquids and gas discharges interacting with liquids are a hot topic of great interest to plasma physicists and plasma chemists due to the broad field of potential applications. Plasma-liquid systems can produce strongly non-equilibrium environments. Plasma-liquid interactions represent a great opportunity for developing novel chemistries and related technologies. This Action aims bringing together a high level of experimental, simulation and theoretical expertise available around Europe. This Action will support a coordinated effort that will improve our knowledge of basic processes responsible for initiating and sustaining discharges in and on liquids. New applications will be identified with direct benefits to the European industrial sector. Potential technological impact is foreseen in a range of application fields such as water and surface treatment, synthesis of nanoparticles, catalysis, formation of new organic compounds, and biochemistry. The Action will bring together researchers and practitioners from diverse fields including physics, chemistry, materials science, engineering and biology. The Action’s activities will exhibit a strongly interdisciplinary character and represent the basis for future developments. The research platform as well as the new infrastructure, obtained knowledge and experience developed under the Action will form an effective background for the future research and intensive international collaboration across all disciplines involved.

Description in Czech
Plazma generované v kapalinách a plynné plazma interagující s kapalinami představují významný směr výzkumu a přitahují zájem plazmavých fyziků a chemiků díky širokému aplikačnímu potenciálu. Systémy plazma-kapalina mohou produkovat silně nerovnovážné prostředí. Interakce plazmatu s kapalinou představuje velkou šanci pro vytváření nové chemie a relevantních technologií. Akce spojuje vysokou úroveň experimentálních, simulačních a teoretických znalostí napříč Evropou. Akce podpoří koordinované úsilí které povede k nárůstu znalostí o základních procesech vedoucích k zapálení a udržení výboje v kapalinách. Budou nalezeny nové aplikace s přímým dopadem na Evropský průmyslový sektor. Potenciální technologický dopad je spatřován v řadě oborů jako například čistění vody, povrchové úpravy, syntéza nanočástic, katalýza, vytváření nových organických látek a biochemie. Akce spojuje vědce a praktiky z různých oblastí včetně fyziky, chemie, materiálových věd, inženýrství a biologie. Aktivity budou mít silně interdisciplinární charakter a budou tvořit základnu pro další vývoj. Výzkumná platforma stejně jako nová infrastruktura, získané znalosti a zkušenosti vytvoří efektivní základnu pro další výzkum a intenzivní mezinárodní spolupráci napříč disciplinami.

Plasmas in liquids, plasma-liquid interaction, plasma chemistry and modelling, plasma diagnostics, chemical analysis

Key words in Czech
Plasma v kapalinách, interakce plasma-kapalina, plasmová chemie a modelování, diagnostika plasmatu, chemické analýzy



Default language


People responsible

Krčma František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. - principal person responsible


Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry
- responsible department (11.4.2013 - not assigned)
Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry
- beneficiary (11.4.2013 - not assigned)


ASIMAKOULAS, L.; GRAHAM, W.G.; KRČMA, F.; DOSTÁL, L.; STALDER, K.R.; FIELD T.A. Fast framing imaging and modelling of vapour formation and discharge initiation in electrolyte solutions. PLASMA SOURCES SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, 2020, vol. 29, no. 3, p. 035013-1 (035013-19 p.)ISSN: 0963-0252.

MARINOVA, P; BENOVA, E; TODOROVA, Y; TOPALOVA, Y; IOTINOV, I; ATANASOVA, M; KRČMA, F. Surface-wave-sustained plasma torch for water treatment. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018, vol. 982, no. 1, p. 1-7. ISSN: 1742-6596.

TARASENKO, N. V.; NEVAR, A. A.; KIRIS, V. V.; TARASENKA, N. N.; KRČMA, F. Electrical Discharge Synthesis and Modification of Silicon and Carbon Nanoparticles in Liquids. ICPL Book of Abstracts. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2017. p. 8-8. ISBN: 978-80-87026-07-6.

ZHEKOVA, M.; MARINOVA, P.; BENOVA, E.; KRČMA, F. Estimation of the Changes of Characteristic Concentrations of Hydrogen Peroxide in Plasma Treated Liquid. ICPL Book of Abstracts. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2017. p. 110-110. ISBN: 978-80-87026-07-6.

BENOVA, E.; MARINOVA, P.; ZHEKOVA, M.; ATANASOVA, M.; BOGDANOV, T.; TOPALOVA, Y.; TODOROVA, Y.; YOTINOV, I.; MAZÁNKOVÁ, V.; KRČMA, F. Microwave Argon Plasma for Water Treatment. ICPL Book of Abstracts. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu, 2017. p. 35-35. ISBN: 978-80-87026-07-6.

KRČMA, F.: International Conference on Plasmas with Liquids. Praha (05.03.2017)

KIRIS, V.; TARASENKA, N.; NEVAR, A.; TARASENKO, N.; KRČMA, F. Carbon Nanodots Surface Treatment by Non-Equilibrium Plasma Contacting with Water Solution. In International Symposium on High Pressure Low Temperature Plasma Chemistry (HAKONE XV) with joint COST TD1208 workshop Non-Equilibrium Plasmas with Liquids for Water and Surface Treatments: Book of Contributed Papers. Brno: Masarykova univerzita, 2016. p. 460-463. ISBN: 978-80-210-8318-9.

MARINOVA, P.; ZHEKOVA, M.; ATANASOVA, M.; BENOVA, E.; KRČMA, F.; DOSTÁL, L. Experimental Investigation of Surface-Wave-Sustained Plasma with Liquids. Sofia: Sofia University, 2016. p. 68-68.

BENOVA, E.; TOPALOVA, Y.; MARINOVA, P.; TODOROVA, Y.; ATANASOVA, M.; BOGDANOV, T.; YOTINOV, Y.; KRČMA, F.; DOSTÁL, L. Surface-Wave-Sustained Plasma Torch for Biomedical Applications. 7th International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics: Programme and Abstracts. Sofia: Sofia University, 2016. p. 28-28. ISBN: neuvedeno.

PONGRAC, B.; KRČMA, F.; DOSTÁL, L.; HOMOLA T.; MACHALA, Z. Influence of Liquid Phase Ion Mobilities and Atmospheric Corona Discharge on Water Electrospray. International Conference on Electrical Discharges with Liquids (ICEDL 2016) – Book of Abstracts. Kocaeli: Kocaeli University, 2016. p. 57-57. ISBN: 978-605-9160-20-9.

TARASENKA, N.N.; NEDELKO, M.I.; TARASENKO, N.V.; KRČMA, F. Properties of ternary compound nanoparticles synthesized by electrical discharge processing of micropowders mixtures in solution and modified by laser irradiation. International Conference on Electrical Discharges with Liquids (ICEDL 2016) – Book of Abstracts. Kocaeli: Kocaeli University, 2016. p. 61-61. ISBN: 978-605-9160-20-9.

KRČMA, F.: COST TD1208 workshop Non-Equilibrium Plasmas with Liquids for Water and Surface Treatments. Brno (15.09.2016)

KRČMA, F.: International Conference on Electrical Discharges with Liquids (ICEDL 2016). Kocaeli (13.03.2016)

PONGRÁC, B.; KRČMA, F.; DOSTÁL, L.; MACHALA, Z. Mutual interaction of water electrospray with DC corona discharge. Bioplasmas & Plasmas with Liquids - Bookof Abstracts. Bologna: Bologna University, 2015. p. 75-75. ISBN: neuvedeno.

TARASENKA, N. N.; KiIRIS, V. V.; TARASENKO N. V.; KRČMA, F. Preparation of compound nanoparticles by plasma and laser-induced liquid chemistry. Bioplasmas & Plasmas with Liquids - Bookof Abstracts. Bologna: Bologna University, 2015. p. 64-64. ISBN: neuvedeno.

HLAVATÁ, L.; KRČMA, F. Treatment of Carbon Nanotubes by Diaphragh Discharge in Liquids. COST Action TD1208 2nd Annual Meeting: Electrical Discharges with Liquids for Future Applications: Final Program and Abstracts Book. Barcelona: Catalunyan University, 2015. p. 100-100. ISBN: 978-84-606-5787-3.

KLÍMOVÁ, E.; KRČMA, F. Underwater Plasma Jet Based on Pin-Hole Configuration. COST Action TD1208 2nd Annual Meeting: Electrical Discharges with Liquids for Future Applications: Final Program and Abstracts Book. Barcelona: Catalunian University, 2015. p. 55-55. ISBN: 978-84-606-5787-3.

KRČMA, F.: Bioplasmas and plasmas with liquids. Bertinoro (13.09.2015)

KRČMA, F.: Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics (FLTPD) XI. Porquerolles Island (24.05.2015)

KRČMA, F.: COST TD1208 2nd annual meeting - Electrical Discharges with Liquids for Future Applications. Barcelona (23.02.2015)
