Project detail
In situ měření biodostupnosti vybraných toxických a esenciálních kovů v malých a středních tocích jižní Moravy
Duration: 1.1.2009 — 31.12.2010
Funding resources
Grantová agentura České republiky - Postdoktorandské granty
- whole funder (1. 1. 2009 - )
Default language
People responsible
Diviš Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D. - principal person responsible
Faculty of Chemistry
- responsible department (23.4.2010 - not assigned)
Faculty of Chemistry
- beneficiary (23.4.2010 - not assigned)
DIVIŠ, P.; MACHÁT, J.; SZKANDERA, R.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H. In situ Measurement of Bioavailable Metal Concentrations at the Downstream on the Morava River using Transplanted Aquatic mosses and DGT Technique. International Journal of Environmental Research, 2012, vol. 6, no. 1, p. 87-94. ISSN: 1735-6865.
DIVIŠ, P.; SZKANDERA, R.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H. Improvement of mercury determination in surface water by the DGT technique. Conference on DGT and the Environment. 2009. p. 48-48.
SZKANDERA, R.; DIVIŠ, P.; KADLECOVÁ, M.; TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ, J.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H. Use of TiO2 in diffusive gradients in thin films technique for mercury determination in aquatic environment. The 36th International symposium on environmental analytical chemistry: Abstract book. 2010. p. 38-38. ISBN: 978-88-8286-228-2.
DIVIŠ, P. Stanovení biodostupných forem kovů technikou DGT. Workshop speciační analýza. Spektroskopická společnost Jana Marka Marci, 2009. s. 10-11.
SZKANDERA, R.; KADLECOVÁ, M.; TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ, J.; DIVIŠ, P.; FRIŠHANSOVÁ, H.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H.; OUDDANE, B. Determination of dissolved mercury by diffusive gradients in thin films technique - the choice of resin. Journées nord-ouest européennes des jeunes chercheurs, Lille, France. 2010. p. 87-87.
HAGAROVÁ, I.; MATÚŠ, P.; KUBOVÁ, J.; BUJDOŠ, M.; DIVIŠ, P. Speciation analysis of inorganic antimony in natural waters using the combination of extraction procedures and electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. 12th Workshop on progress in analytical methodologies for trace metal speciation. 2009. p. 78-78.
DIVIŠ, P.; SZKANDERA, R.; FRIŠHANSOVÁ, H. Characterization of resin gels used for determination of different mercury fractions in natural waters by DGT technique. 12th Workshop on progress in analytical methodologies for trace metal speciation. 2009. p. 94-94.
KADLECOVÁ, M.; DIVIŠ, P.; KOVAŘÍKOVÁ , V.; DOČEKALOVÁ , H.; OUDDANE, B.;. Determination of dissolved mercury species in river ecosystem using DGT technique with thiol groups in resin gel. Conference on DGT and the Environment. 2009. p. 63-63.
DIVIŠ, P.; MACHÁT, J. The use of aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica for monitoring of metal pollution in Morava river. ISEAC 36: BOOK OF ABSTRACTS. 2010. p. 111-111. ISBN: 978-88-8286-228-2.
DIVIŠ, P.; MACHÁT, J.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H.; SZKANDERA, R. Use of aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica and DGT technique for determination of (bio)available metal concentration in Morava river. Sborník 14. Česko-Slovenské spektroskopické konference. 2010.
DIVIŠ, P.; SZKANDERA, R.; KADLECOVÁ, M.; OUDDANE, B.; TRÁVNÍČKOVÁ, J. Testování sorpčního gelu s TiO2 pro stanovení rtuti v přírodních vodách technikou DGT. Sborník 14. Česko-Slovenské spektroskopické konference. 2010.
DIVIŠ, P.; SZKANDERA, R.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H. Characterisation of sorption gels used for determination of mercury in aquatic environment by diffusive gradients in thin films technique. CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, 2010, vol. 8, no. 5, p. 1103-1107. ISSN: 1644-3624.
DIVIŠ, P.; SZKANDERA, R.; BRULÍK, L.; DOČEKALOVÁ, H.; MATÚŠ, P.; BUJDOŠ, M. Application of New Resin Gels for Measuring Mercury by Diffusive Gradients in a Thin-films Technique. ANALYTICAL SCIENCES, 2009, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 575-578. ISSN: 0910-6340.
Responsibility: Diviš Pavel, doc. Ing., Ph.D.