Project detail

Katalytické blednutí digitálních fotografií zhotovených technikou inkoustového tisku

Duration: 1.4.2009 — 30.9.2010

Funding resources

Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy ČR - COST



Default language


People responsible

Veselý Michal, prof. Ing., CSc. - principal person responsible


Faculty of Chemistry
- responsible department (7.5.2009 - not assigned)
Faculty of Chemistry
- beneficiary (7.5.2009 - not assigned)


DZIK, P.; FÜRST, T.; VESELÝ, M.; KÁČEROVÁ, S.; ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E.; SMEJKALOVÁ, H. Image Permanence Evaluation by Color Gamut Volume Changes. Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, 2012, vol. 56, no. 6, p. 060506-1 (060506-9 p.)ISSN: 1062-3701.

VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.; KÁČEROVÁ, S.; ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E.; PASEČNÁ, K. Gas Fading of Inkjet prints with Ozone. Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice. Series A, Faculty of Chemical Technology. Univerzita Pardubice CB CI, 2011, vol. 17 (2011), no. 9, p. 211-228. ISSN: 1211-5541.

DZIK, P.; FÜRST, T.: VolGa; VolGa. FCH, 3130. URL: (software)

ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E.; VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P. INFLUENCE OF VARNISHES ON INKJET PRINT LIGHTFASTNESS. Proceedings, 5th Meeting on Chemistry and Life. Chemické listy. Praha: 2011. p. s906 ( p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E. Gamut volume as a tool for print life estimation. 2010.

KÁČEROVÁ, S. Lightfastness of transparencies. 2011.

KÁČEROVÁ, S. Inkjet printouts long-term ageing. 2010.

KÁČEROVÁ, S.; VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.; URBÁNKOVÁ, N. Light fastness of historical transparencies. Chemické listy. Praha: 2011. p. s905 ( p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E.; DZIK, P.; VESELÝ, M. Gamut volume as a tool for print lifetime estimation. In Grid 2010, Proceedings The fifth international symposium GRID 2010. 2010. p. 73-75. ISBN: 978-86-7892-294-7.

VESELÝ, M.; DZIK, P.; KÁČEROVÁ, S. Optical densities vs. gamut volumes for image lightfastness evaluation. An experimental study. 14th International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communications, Book of Abstracts. Zagreb: Univerzity of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts, 2010. p. 14-14.

DZIK, P.; VESELÝ, M.; ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E. Comparative study on the lightfastness of traditional and modern inkjet photographic output media. 14th International Conference on Printing, Design and Graphic Communications, Book of Abstracts. Zagreb: Univerzity of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts, 2010. p. 22-22.

ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, E.; DZIK, P. Světlostálost chromogenních a inkoustových velkoformátových fotografických materiálů. In POLYGRAFIA ACADEMICA 2010 zborník prispevkov. 2010. s. 146-150. ISBN: 978-80-227-3340-3.