Project detail

Advanced Topics in Physics and Chemistry of Plasmas

Duration: 01.10.2003 — 30.09.2007

Funding resources

Czech Science Foundation - Doktorské granty

- part funder (2003-11-01 - not assigned)

On the project

Projekt předpokládá koordinaci doktorského studia v oblasti fyzika a chemie plazmatu. Bude řešen v úzké spolupráci pěti universitních a jednoho akademického pracoviště. Tím vznikne rozsáhlá vědecká základna se dvěmi regionálními centry, která zajistí kvalitní výchovu špičkových odborníků. Doktorský tým je složen ze zkušených specialistů a vynikajících pedagogů spolu s vybranými, v současné době nejlepšími, studenty doktorského studia. Projekt zajistí studentům širší vzdělání formou kvalitních společných přednášek z oboru i přednášek zaměřených obecněji. Společné semináře, organizované pravidelně dvakrát ročně prohloubí vzájemnou informovanost doktorského týmu a umožní studentům zvýšit kvalitu mluveného i psaného projevu. Vedení doktorského týmu získá příležitost porovnat jednotlivé studenty a formovat směr jejich další práce. Vedení doktorského týmu využije všech možností zapojit studenty do mezinárodní spolupráce ať již formou jejich účasti na mezinárodních konferencích, zabezpečením stáží studentů na špičkových zahraničních pracovištích nebo kontakty se špičkovými vědeckými pracovníky. Bude vytvořena společná databáze měřících systémů a odborné literatury. Důležitým cílem projektu je motivovat studenty magisterského studia pro budoucí vědeckou práci.

Description in English
The proposed project envisages the coordination of doctoral studies in the fields of plasma physics and plasma chemistry. The project will be performed in close cooperation between five universities and one academic institute. A relatively broad scientific base with two regional centers, which will be created, assures a high quality education of PhD students. The project team is composed of experienced specialists in the field, excellent teachers and of the best students available at the moment. The project will broaden the education of PhD students by means of high-quality lectures in the field of plasma physics and chemistry, as well as by lectures devoted to more general topics. Joint workshops, organized regularly two times per year, will allow an exchange of information between the team members and will improve quality of presentation of scientific results. The team leaders will get the possibility to compare the level of students involved and to formulate the direction of their future work. The team leaders will use all opportunities to improve collaboration of students with partners abroad by seconding the students to international meetings and prestigious laboratories. A common database of unique measuring instruments and scientific literature will be formed. One of the important goals of the project is to motivate the undergraduate students for future scientific work.

plazma; výboje v plynech; diagnostika plazmatu; plazmová chemie; modelování plazmatu

Key words in English
plasma; gas discharges; plasma diagnostics; plasma chemistry; modeling



Default language


People responsible

Janča Jan, prof. RNDr., DrSc. - fellow researcher
Krčma František, prof. RNDr., Ph.D. - fellow researcher
Kubeš Pavel, Prof. RNDr., CSc. - fellow researcher
Limpouch Jiří, doc. Ing., CSc. - fellow researcher
Šafránková Jana, Prof. RNDr., DrSc. - fellow researcher
Stockel Jan, RNDr., CSc. - principal person responsible


Institute of Physical and Applied Chemistry
- (2003-11-08 - not assigned)


Krčma, F., Klíma, M. Diagnostic of Plasmachemical Removal of Complex Corrosion Layers from Metallic Surfaces. In Proceedings of ICPIG XXVII. Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, 2005. p. 08-225 ( p.)ISBN: 90-386-2231-7.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. Influence of OH radicals on Organic Dyes in DC Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In Proceedings of ICPIG XXVII. Eindhoven: Eindhoven University of Technology, 2005. p. 18-226 ( p.)ISBN: 90-386-2231-7.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H., KRČMA, F. Analysis of VOC Degradation in Gliding Arc Discharge. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications. Bruges: Universiteit Gent, 2005. p. 222-225. ISBN: 90-808-6692-X.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J., KRČMA, F., STARÁ, Z. Diagnostics of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions by Optical Emission Spectroscopy. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications. Bruges: Universiteit Gent, 2005. p. 248-251. ISBN: 90-808-6692-X.

STARÁ, Z., KRČMA, F. Organic Compounds Degradation in the Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of 2nd International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications. Bruges: Universiteit Gent, 2005. p. 238-241. ISBN: 90-808-6692-X.

STARÁ, Z., KRČMA, F. Destruction of Organic Dyes in DC Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of XVIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: FEEC Brno University of Technology, 2005. p. 178-181. ISBN: 80-214-2931-3.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J., KRČMA, F., STARÁ, Z. Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In Proceedings of XVIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: FEEC Brno University of Technology, 2005. p. 157-160. ISBN: 80-214-2931-3.

STARÁ, Z., SLAVÍČEK, P., KRČMA, F. Chemical Processes in Water Solutions During the Diaphragm Discharge. In ISPC XVII - book of Abstracts. Toronto: 2005. p. 1155-1156.

STARÁ, Z., SLAVÍČEK, P., KRČMA, F. Chemical Processes in Water Solutions During the Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of ISPC XVII. Toronto: 2005. p. P103 ( p.)

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H., SLÁNSKÁ, K., KRČMA, F. VOC Destruction in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Discharge. In Proceedings of ISPC XVII. Toronto: 2005. p. P158 ( p.)

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H., SLÁNSKÁ, K., KRČMA, F. VOC Destruction in Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Discharge. In ISPC XVII - Book of Abstracts. Toronto: 2005. p. 1216-1217.

KRČMA, F., SŤAHEL, P., STARÁ, Z. Applied Plasma Chemistry - New Practical Exercises. In Proceedings of ISPC XVII. Toronto: 2005. p. P104 ( p.)

KRČMA, F., SŤAHEL, P., STARÁ, Z. Applied Plasma Chemistry - New Practical Exercises. In ISPC XVII - Book of Abstracts. Toronto: 2005. p. 1146-1147.

STARÁ, Z., KRČMA, F. Influence of Experimental Parameters on Organic Compounds Decomposition in DC Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students, Part II. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2005. p. 419-422. ISBN: 80-86732-59-2.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H., SLÁNSKÁ, K., KRČMA, F. Solid Phase Microextraction Analysis of the Gliding Arc Discharge Products. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students, Part II. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2005. p. 423-428. ISBN: 80-86732-59-2.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J., KRČMA, F., STARÁ, Z. Diagnostics of Organic Compounds Degradation by Optical Emission Spectroscopy. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students, Part II. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2005. p. 414-418. ISBN: 80-86732-59-2.

BRANDEJS, K., CIGANEK, M., KRČMA, F., RAŠKOVÁ, Z. Diagnostics of the RF Plasma During Organosilicone Thin Layer Deposition. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VI. Grenoble: Universite Jofeph Fouriere, 2005. p. 61-61.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J., SLAVÍČEK, P., KRČMA, F., STARÁ, Z. Influence of OH radicals on Organic Dyes in DC diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VI. Grenoble: Universite Jofeph Fouriere, 2005. p. 51-51.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J., STARÁ, Z., KRČMA, F. Diagnostics of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In CAPPSA 2005 - Book of Abstracts. Bruges: University Gent, 2005. p. 75-75.

STARÁ, Z., KRČMA, F. Organic Compounds Degradation in the Diaphragm Discharge. In CAPPSA 2005 - Book of Abstracts. Bruge: University Gent, 2005. p. 71-71.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H., KRČMA, F. Analysis of VOC Degradation in the Gliding Arc Discharges. In CAPPSA 2005 - Book of Abstracts. Bruge: University Gent, 2005. p. 67-67.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. Degradation of Organic Dyes by the DC Diaphragm Discharge. In Extended Abstract of 2nd ISAPT. Fukuoka: Kyushu University, 2004. p. 73 ( p.)

Grossmannová, H., Slánská, K., Krčma, F. Toluene Decomposition in the Gliding Arc Discharge. In Proceedings of SPIG 22. Beograd: Vinca Institut, 2004. p. 597 ( p.)

Krčma, F., Stará, Z. The Investigation of Chemical Processes Initiated by the Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. In Proceedings of SPIG 22. Beograd: Vinca Institut, 2004. p. 601 ( p.)

Procházková, J., Stará, Z., Krčma, F. Diagnostic of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In Extended Abstracts of 2nd ISAPT. Fukuoka: Kyuchu University, 2004. p. 69 ( p.)

Grossmannová, H., Krčma, F. Volatile Organic Compound Destruction in Gliding Arc Plasma Discharge. In .", Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Bratislava: Universita Komenského, 2005. p. 167 ( p.)ISBN: 80-223-2018-8.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. Degradation of Organic Dyes versus H2O2 Generation. In Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Bratislava: Universita Komenského, 2005. p. 105 ( p.)ISBN: 80-223-2018-8.

Procházková, J., Stará, Z., Krčma, F., Slavíček, P. OES in the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. In Proceedings of 15th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes. Bratislava: Universita Komenského, 2005. p. 233 ( p.)ISBN: 80-223-2018-8.

Grossmannová, H., Slánská, K., Krčma, F. Volatile Organic Compound Destruction in Gliding Arc Plasma Discharge. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. p. 373 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86732-32-0.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. A Study of the Processes in the Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. p. 254 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86732-32-0.

Rašková, Z., Brandejs, K., Cvrčková, O., Krčma, F. Investigation of RF low-temperature discharge by OES and GC-MS during deposition of silane based thin films. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. p. 367 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86732-32-0.

Krčma, F., Stará, Z. Diaphragm Discharge in Practical Plasma-Chemistry Exercises. In Proceedings of New Trends in Physics. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2004. p. 330 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7355-024-5.

Grossmannová, H., Slánská, K., Krčma, F. Destruction of the organic compounds in the Glidarc plasma Discharge. In Proceedings of New Trends in Physics. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2004. p. 170 ( p.)ISBN: 80-7355-024-5.

Šormová, H., Krčma, F. Problems with Numerical Simulations of Optical Spectra. In Proceedings of Molecular Quantum Mechanics: The No Nonsense Path to Progress. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. p. P3.24 ( p.)

Šormová, H. Methods of the determination of the rotational temperature from molecular spectra and their statistics. In Contributed Papers of ECAMP VIII. Rennes: Universite Rennes, 2004. p. 72 ( p.)ISBN: 2-914771-21-5.

Šormová, H. Stanovení nejistot měření a jejich využití při zpracování spektroskopických dat. In Proceeding Participacition of doctoral students in science and research. Bratislava: Ekonomická universita, 2004. s. 272 ( s.)ISBN: 80-225-1850-6.

Šormová, H. Uncertainties and Measured Spectroscopy Data. In Proceedings of ChemStat 2004. Pardubice: Universita Pardubice, 2004. p. 55 ( p.)ISBN: 80-239-3462-7.

Šormová, H. The solution of the deconvolution by Fourier transform and its application to optical spectra. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2004. p. 625 ( p.)ISBN: 80-86732-32-0.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Diagnostics of Organics Compounds Degradation by Optical Emission Spectroscopy. In Proceedings of HAKONE X. Saga: Saga University, 2006. p. 95-98.

RAŠKOVÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Plasmachemical reduction for the conservation of archaeological artifacts. In VI Serbian-Belarussian Symposium on Physics and Diagnostics of Laboratory & Astrophysical Plasma - Book of Abstracts. Beograd: Beograd University, 2006. p. 14-15.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Diagnostics of Organic Compounds Degradation by Optical Emission Spectroscopy. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students, Part II. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2006. p. 145-149. ISBN: 80-86732-85-1.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; NEJEZCHLEB, M. Interaction of Electrical Discharge With Water Solutions of Organic Compounds. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students, Part II. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2006. p. 156-161. ISBN: 80-86732-85-1.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. Plasmachemical Modification of Paper. In Proceedings of Week of Doctoral Students, Part II. Praha: Matfyzpress, 2006. p. 162-166. ISBN: 80-86732-85-1.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; NIERYNCK, D.; LEAS, C. Atmospheric Discharge Combined with Cu-Mn/Al_2O_3 Catalyst Unit for the Removal of Toluene. In 22th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - Book of Abstracts. Praha: AV ČR, 2006. p. 78 ( p.)ISBN: 80-01-03506-9.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. In 22th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - Book of Abstracts. Praha: AV ČR, 2006. p. 91 ( p.)ISBN: 80-01-03506-9.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Treatment of Humic Acids Solutions by Diaphragm Discharge. In 22th Symposium on Plasma Physics and Technology - Book of Abstracts. Praha: AV ČR, 2006. p. 94 ( p.)ISBN: 80-01-03506-9.

KRČMA, F.; STARÁ, Z.; SLAVÍČEK, P. Physical Phenomena Occuring During DC Diaphragm Discharge in Aquaeous Solutions of Electrolytes. In Europhysics Conference Abstracts 30G, Proceedings of ESCAMPIG XVIII. Lecce: University of Bari, 2006. p. 467-468. ISBN: 2-914771-38-X.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; CIGANEK, M.; KRČMA, F. High-Molecular Products Analysis of VOC Destruction in Atmospheric Pressure Discharge. In Proceedings of Second International Workshop and Summer School on Plasma Physics. Sofia: University of Sofia, 2006. p. 16-16.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; STRÝHAL, Z. Influence of the Atmospheric Air Plasma on the Surface Energy of Paper. In Proceedings of 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases. Beograd: Institute of Physics, 2006. p. 471-474. ISBN: 86-82441-18-7.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; NEJEZCHLEB, M. Solutions of Organic Compounds in the Interaction With the DC Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of 23rd Summer School and International Symposium on the Physics of Ionized Gases. Beograd: Institut of Physics, 2006. p. 463-466. ISBN: 86-82441-18-7.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; CIGANEK, M.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. SPME Analysis of VOC destruction products - Atmospheric Pressure Discharge. In Proceedings of HAKONE X. Saga: Saga University, 2006. p. 255-258.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; NIERYNCK, D.; LEAS, C. Removal of Volatile Organic Compounds by Atmospheric Discharge Combined with Catalyst Unit. In The Seventh European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC7, Book of Abstracts. Brno: FCH VUT, 2006. p. 157-157. ISBN: 80-214-3320-5.

STARÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. Water Treatment by DC Diaphragm Discharge. In The Seventh European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, EMEC7, Book of Abstracts. Brno: FCH VUT, 2006. p. 139-139. ISBN: 80-214-3320-5.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; KRČMA, F. Low Molecular Products Analysis of the Toluene Destruction in Gliding Arc Discharge. In Proceedings of 16th SAPP. Bratislava: UK Bratislava, 2007. p. 167-168. ISBN: 978-80-89186-13-6.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; NEJEZCHLEB, M. Removal of Organic Dyes from Water Solutions by the Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of 16th SAPP. Bratislava: UK Bratislava, 2007. p. 51-52. ISBN: 978-80-89186-13-6.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; RAŠKOVÁ, Z.; PRUDÍKOVÁ, I.; KRČMA, F. Utilization of Atmospheric Pressure Discharges for Paper Sterilization. In Proceedings of 16th SAPP. Bratislava: UK Bratislava, 2007. p. 277-278. ISBN: 978-80-89186-13-6.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. In Proceedings of 16th SAPP. Bratislava: UK Bratislava, 2007. p. 287-288. ISBN: 978-80-89186-13-6.

KRČMA, F.; STARÁ, Z.; OLEXOVÁ, B. Decomposition of Direct Blue 106 in Diaphragm Discharge: Influence of Electrolysis. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VII. Beverley: Open University, 2007. p. 54-54.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; KRČMA, F. VOC Abatement in Gliding arc Discharge - Low Molecular Products Analysis. In Proceedings of Frontiers in Low Temperature Plasma Diagnostics VII. Beverley: Open University, 2007. p. 52-52.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; AUBRECHT, V. Creation of DC diaphragm discharge in electrolytes. In International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases - Book of Abstracts. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, 2007. p. 125-125. ISBN: 978-80-87026-00-7.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; AUBRECHT, V. Creation of DC diaphragm discharge in electrolytes. In Proceedings of ICPIG XXVIII. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, 2007. p. 1082-1085. ISBN: 978-80-87026-01-4.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Selected Water Solutions. In International Conference on Phenomena in Ionized Gases - Book of Abstracts. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, 2007. p. 126-126. ISBN: 978-80-87026-00-7.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Selected Water Solutions. In Proceedings of ICPIG XXVIII. Praha: Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, 2007. p. 1086-1089. ISBN: 978-80-87026-01-4.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. In Proeedings of 3rd International Symposium on Non-Equilibrium Processes, Plasma, Combustion and Atmospheric Phenomena. Moskva: CIAM, 2007. p. 85-85. ISBN: 978-5-94588-047-4.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; SŤAHEL, P.; ČECH, J.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; BURŠÍKOVÁ, V. Plasma Based Removal of Microbial Contamination of Paper. In ISPC XVIII - book of abstracts. Kjoto: 2007. p. 689-689. ISBN: 978-4-9903773-2-8.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; SŤAHEL, P.; ČECH, J.; NOVOTNÝ, O.; BURŠÍKOVÁ, V. Plasma Based Removal of Microbial Contamination of Paper. In Proceedings of ISPC XVIII. Kjoto: 2007. p. 27P-121 ( p.)ISBN: 978-4-9903773-3-5.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; VRAJOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. VOC destruction in atmospheric pressure discharges - analysis of the low molecular products. In ISPC XVIII - book of abstracts. Kjoto: 2007. p. 752-752. ISBN: 978-4-9903773-2-8.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; VRAJOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. VOC destruction in atmospheric pressure discharges - analysis of the low molecular products. In Proceedings of ISPC XVIII. Kjoto: 2007. p. 27P-170 ( p.)ISBN: 978-4-9903773-3-5.

ČECHOVÁ, E.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M.; KRČMA, F.; MAJZLÍK, P.; VRAJOVÁ, J. Interaction of Humic Acids Thin Layers with Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure. In ISPC XVIII - book of abstracts. Kjoto: 2007. p. 745-745. ISBN: 978-4-9903773-2-8.

ČECHOVÁ, E.; KLUČÁKOVÁ, M.; KRČMA, F.; MAJZLÍK, P.; VRAJOVÁ, J. Interaction of Humic Acids Thin Layers with Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure. In Proceedings of ISPC XVIII. Kjoto: 2007. p. 27P-163 ( p.)ISBN: 978-4-9903773-3-5.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; OLEXOVÁ, B. Comparison of Organic Dyes Decomposition by DC Diaphragm Discharge, Electrolysis and UV Radiation Effects. In ISPC XVIII - book of abstracts. Kjoto: 2007. p. 735-735. ISBN: 978-4-9903773-2-8.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; OLEXOVÁ, B. Comparison of Organic Dyes Decomposition by DC Diaphragm Discharge, Electrolysis and UV Radiation Effects. In Proceedings of ISPC XVIII. Kjoto: 2007. p. 27P-153 ( p.)ISBN: 978-4-9903773-3-5.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Solutions of Alkaline Metals. In ISPC XVIII - book of abstracts. Kjoto: 2007. p. 128-128. ISBN: 978-4-9903773-2-8.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Solutions of Alkaline Metals. In Proceedings of ISPC XVIII. Kjoto: 2007. p. 30P-50 ( p.)ISBN: 978-4-9903773-3-5.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Optical and Electrical Characterization of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. In Proceedings of New Trends in Physics. Brno: Vutium, 2007. p. 233-236. ISBN: 978-80-7355-078-3.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Solutions of Alkaline Metals. In Proceedings of 3rd International Workshop on Cold Atmospheric Pressure Plasmas: Sources and Applications. Ghent: Ghent University, 2007. p. 53-53.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Selected Solutions of Alcaline Metals. In Proceedings of XVIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. p. 173-176. ISBN: 978-80-214-3369-4.

KOZÁKOVÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; AUBRECHT, V. DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids: Properties and Applications. In Proceedings of XVIIth Symposium on Physics of Switching Arc. Brno: VUT v Brně, 2007. p. 201-204. ISBN: 978-80-214-3369-4.

STARÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. Water Treatment by DC Diaphragm Discharge. In Proceedings of International Workshop Ozotech. Bratislava: FMFI UK Bratislava, 2007. p. 67-68. ISBN: 978-80-89186-25-9.

KRČMA, F.; STARÁ, Z. Plasma chemistry research at Faculty of Chemistry Brno University of Technology. In Book of Contributed Papers of The 3rd Seminar on New Trends in Plasma Physics and Solid State Physics. Bratislava: FMFI UK Bratislava, 2007. p. 159-191. ISBN: 978-80-89186-24-2.

SOURAL, I.; KRČMA, F.; GUERRA, V. V-T Process in Nitrogen Ground State Post-Discharge Conditions. In Proceedings of WDS08. Praha: MATFYZPRESS, 2010. p. 52-55. ISBN: 978-80-7378-066-1.

KRČMA, F.; VYHNALÍKOVÁ, J.; POLÁCHOVÁ, L.; GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; KOZÁKOVÁ, Z. VOC Decomposition in Surface Discharge. 2nd Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry - Book of Extended Abstracts. Brno: MU Brno, 2008. p. 146-147.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; CHALUPOVÁ, L.; KRČMA, F.; SŤAHEL, P. Sterilization by Atmospheric Pressure DBD. 2nd Central European Symposium on Plasma Chemistry - Book of Extended Abstracts. Brno: MU Brno, 2008. p. 150-151.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. Degradation of Organic Dyes Versus H2O2 Generation During the DC Diaphragm Discharge Treatment in Water Solutions. Acta Physica Slovaca, 2005, vol. 55, no. 6, p. 515-519. ISSN: 0323-0465.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Study of Dissociation Matters in Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. Chemické listy, 2005, vol. 99, no. S, p. S606 (S608 p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

KRČMA, F., KLÍMA, M., CIHLÁŘ, M. Diagnostic of Plasmachemical Removal of Copper Based Corrosion Layers. Chemické listy, 2005, vol. 99, no. S, p. S583 (S585 p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. Degradation of Organic Compounds by the Diaphragm Discharge. Chemické listy, 2005, vol. 99, no. S, p. S615 (S617 p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H., KRČMA, F. The Applicability of the Solid Phase Microextraction Technique for the Analysis of the Gliding Arc Discharge Products. Chemické listy, 2005, vol. 99, no. S, p. S137 (S139 p.)ISSN: 0009-2770.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Optical Emission Spectroscopy of Diaphragm Discharge in Water Solutions. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006, vol. 56, no. B, p. 1314-1319. ISSN: 0011-4626.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Treatment of Humic Acids Solutions by Diaphragm Discharge. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006, vol. 56, no. B, p. 1351-1356. ISSN: 0011-4626.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; NIERYNCK, D.; LEAS, C. Atmospheric Discharge Combined with Cu-Mn/Al_2O_3 Catalyst Unit for the Removal of Toluene. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2006, vol. 56, no. B, p. 1156-1161. ISSN: 0011-4626.

GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; CIGÁNEK, M.; KRČMA, F. High-Molecular Products Analysis of VOC Destruction in Atmospheric Pressure Discharge. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2007, vol. 63, no. 1, p. 012011 ( p.)ISSN: 1742-6596.

RAŠKOVÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Plasmachemical Reduction for the Conservation of Archaeological Artefacts. Publications of the Astronomical Observatory of Belgrade, 2007, vol. 82, no. 1, p. 159-170. ISSN: 0373-3742.

Rašková, Z., Brandejs, K., Krčma, F., Vaněk, J. Plasma Diagnostic During Deposition Processes of Silane Based Thin Films. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, vol. 54, no. C, p. 1036 ( p.)ISSN: 0011-4626.

Šormová, H., Krčma, F. Determination of the Rotational Temperature and Uncerntainties. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, vol. 54, no. C, p. 803 ( p.)ISSN: 0011-4626.

Stará, Z., Krčma, F. The Study of H2O2 Generation by DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, 2004, vol. 54, no. C, p. 1050 ( p.)ISSN: 0011-4626.

VRAJOVÁ, J.; CHALUPOVÁ, L.; KRČMA, F.; SŤAHEL, P. Sterilization by Atmospheric Pressure DBD. Chemické listy, 2008, vol. 102, no. 16, p. s1445 (s1449 p.)ISSN: 1213-7103.

KRČMA, F.; VYHNALÍKOVÁ, J.; POLÁCHOVÁ, L.; GROSSMANNOVÁ, H.; KOZÁKOVÁ, Z. VOC Decomposition in Surface Discharge. Chemické listy, 2008, vol. 102, no. 16, p. s1424 (s1427 p.)ISSN: 1213-7103.

KRČMA, F.; KOZÁKOVÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J. Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids: Fundamentals and Applications. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2010, vol. 207, no. 1, p. 012010-1 (012010-6 p.)ISSN: 1742-6596.

KRČMA, F.; KOZÁKOVÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J. Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids: Fundamentals and Applications. Plasma for Environmental Issues. Sofia: Artgraf, 2009. p. 16-25.

ŠORMOVÁ, H. Numerical Simulations of Diatomic Molecular Optical Spectra. PhD Thesis. PhD Thesis. Brno: VUTIUM, 2005. 26 p. ISBN: 80-214-3024-9.

RAŠKOVÁ, Z. Plasma diagnostics during thin films depositions. PhD Thesis. PhD Thesis. Brno: VUTIUM, 2006. 20 p. ISBN: 80-214-3233-0.

STARÁ, Z. Study of Chemical Processes in Electrical Discharges in Liquids. PhD Thesis. PhD Thesis. Brno: Vutium, 2006. 20 p. ISBN: 80-214-3224-1.

STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F.; NEJEZCHLEB, M. Removal of Organic Dyes from Water Solutions by the Diaphragm Discharge. Podbánské: 2007.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of the DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids. Soči: 2007.

STARÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F.; AUBRECHT, V. DC Diaphragm Discharge in Liquids: Properties and Applications. Nové Město na Moravě: 2007.

PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; STARÁ, Z.; KRČMA, F. Breakdown of DC Diaphragm Discharge in Selected Solutions of Alcaline Metals. Nové Město na Moravě: 2007.

KRČMA, F.; STARÁ, Z. Plasma chemistry research at Faculty of Chemistry Brno University of Technology. Bratislava: 2007.

STARÁ, Z.; PROCHÁZKOVÁ, J.; KRČMA, F. Water Treatment by DC Diaphragm Discharge. Bratislava: 2007.
