9th Meeting on Chemistry & Life

Welcome to the Chemistry & Life conference website,
The 9th annual Chemistry & Life conference, this year with the motto “...for Sustainable Future”, will take place at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, on 12–13 September 2024. This year’s conference focuses on modern trends in sustainable chemistry, chemical and materials technology and biotechnology.
The aim of the conference is to create a professional and social platform for experts, young scientists and students from diverse chemical and technological disciplines to meet and share their knowledge, experience and ideas in the context of the main conference themes. An equally important ambition of the conference is also to provide a space for a close contact between academia and industrial partners in the form of a moderated discussion at the Industry Forum, which forms a separate part of the conference programme.
As the motto of the conference suggests, the intention of this year’s conference is to reflect on the main aspects of chemistry and related sciences in the context of the current challenges facing not only the chemical industry but also modern human society as a whole.
The main topics of the conference cover a broad spectrum of activities in chemistry and materials technology, environmental technology and biotechnology, and physical and applied chemistry. The conference programme will thus be divided into two main thematic sessions:
Waste Valorisation for a Sustainable Future: Chemistry, Biotechnology and Materials
- Chemistry and technology for sustainable materials – production, processing and use
- Chemistry and environmental sustainability
- Biochemical and biophysical technologies
Advanced Organic Materials and Technologies for a Sustainable Future
- Materials design and synthesis
- Organic, bio and photoelectronics and other electron technologies
- Applied photochemistry
If you are interested in participating in the scientific programme, sharing your views on any of the above mentioned areas with your colleagues, meeting experts in the field, or just enjoying a relaxed conference in a friendly spirit, we look forward to welcoming you on 12–13 September 2024 at the Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology.
On behalf of the organizing committee,
Jiří Smilek