Změn se nebojím, baví mě překonávat překážky
Doktorandka Zuzana Šedrlová nedávno získala ocenění Brno Ph.D. Talent 2019. V rozhovoru nám prozradila, proč sinice mohou být užitečné, jak ji dědeček naučil lásce k chemii, jestli to chtěla někdy ...
We offer a study programme focused both on the area of food production with regard to the provision and development of progressive technologies and the quality control and health safety of the food produced. Our graduates will find employment in university and non-university research, R&D of private companies both in the Czech Republic and European Union (e.g. European Food Safety Authority, DG SANCO), production companies of the agri-food complex, state control authorities, and business organizations.
You will acquire theoretical and experimental knowledge and skills in the field of food chemistry and engineering processes in food production, applied analytical and physical chemistry, microbiology, biochemistry, and molecular biotechnology. The main focus of your studies will be on production, processing, storage and quality control of foodstuffs and their health safety. Due to the rapid development of molecular biology techniques, you will pay adequate attention to the use of this scientific discipline in the development of new food technologies. You will gain scientific knowledge mainly in the fields of food quality and safety, the production of functional food, and the development of modern molecular-biological diagnostic methods. Other chemical and biological disciplines will be involved since they are necessary for a comprehensive approach and understanding of the development of food sciences.
This programme is guaranteed by the Institute of Food Science and Biotechnology.
Quality and healthy food – our future!
Doktorandka Zuzana Šedrlová nedávno získala ocenění Brno Ph.D. Talent 2019. V rozhovoru nám prozradila, proč sinice mohou být užitečné, jak ji dědeček naučil lásce k chemii, jestli to chtěla někdy ...
Přijít na kloub japonské kultuře a vztahům. To je jeden z hlavních důvodů, kvůli kterým se chce absolvent Fakulty chemické VUT František Mikšík hlásit nyní na postdoktorandskou pozici na ...