Detail projektu

Materiály pro integraci živočišných buněk a organické elektroniky pro budoucí biolektronické zařízení

Období řešení: 1.2.2013 — 31.12.2016

Zdroje financování

Grantová agentura České republiky - Standardní projekty

- plně financující (19. 2. 2013 - 31. 12. 2016)

O projektu

Projekt je zaměřen na výzkum materiálů pro integraci organické elektroniky a živých buněk s cílem vytvoření znalostní základny pro příští generaci bioelektronických zařízení. V průběhu řešení projektu bude navržen princip senzoru fyziologických funkcí kardiomyocytů.

Popis anglicky
The project focuses on the exploration of the integration of organic electronic devices together with living cells in order to create a significant knowledge background for a future generation of bioelectronic devices. The approach of this project is to utilize the latest achievements of organic and molecular electronics in the biological area. To reach a proposed goal a multidisciplinary research on electronic responses of cells on external stimuli should be addressed. The main objectives of the project are: i) Optimization and deposition of organic semiconductors to be used in organic electronic devices, ii) Test of biocompatibility of thin layers of organic electronic devices, iii) Development of thin layer organic electronic devices for monitoring of the living cells, iv) Characterization of thin layer organic electronic devices as sensors for electrical potentialchanges on cell membrane of cardiomyocytes, v) Optimization and validation of newly developed organic sensor for determination of cardiomyocytes physiological functions.



Originální jazyk



Weiter Martin, prof. Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel


Fakulta chemická
- odpovědné pracoviště (25.2.2013 - nezadáno)
Fakulta chemická
- příjemce (25.2.2013 - nezadáno)


STŘÍTESKÝ, S.; MARKOVÁ, A.; VÍTEČEK J.; ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ, E.; HRABAL, M.; KUBÁČ, L.; KUBALA, L.; WEITER, M.; VALA, M.;. Printing inks of electroactive polymer PEDOT:PSS: The study of biocompatibility, stability, and electrical properties. JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS RESEARCH PART A, 2018, vol. 106, no. 4, p. 1121-1128. ISSN: 1549-3296.

ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ, E.; ŠINDLEROVÁ, L.; STŘÍTESKÝ, S.; KUBALA, L.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M.; VÍTEČEK, J. Evaluation and improvement of organic semiconductors’ biocompatibility towards fibroblasts and cardiomyocytes. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2017, no. 260, p. 418-425. ISSN: 0925-4005.

SALYK, O.; VÍTEČEK, J.; OMASTA, L.; ŠAFAŘÍKOVÁ, E.; STŘÍTESKÝ, S.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Organic Electrochemical Transistor Microplate for Real-Time Cell Culture Monitoring. Applied Sciences - Basel, 2017, vol. 7, no. 10, p. 998-1008. ISSN: 2076-3417.

Vala, M.; Krajčovič, J.; Weiter, M. Diketo-pyrrolo-pyrroles for organic electronics and photonics. International Symposium for the 80th Birthday of Prof. Alan J. Heeger (Nobelprize 2000). Linz, Austria: JKU, 2016.

Vala, M.; Krajčovič, J.; Kovalenko, A.; Yumusak, C.; Heinrichová, P.; Stříteský, S.; Sariciftci, N.S.; Weiter, M. Adamantyl side group containing organic semiconductors for high performance OTFTs. Organic Semiconductors Conference. London, Great Britain: Imperial College London, 2016.

Weiter, M.; Víteček, J.; Kubala, L.; Šafaříková, E.; Šindlerová, L.; Stříteský, S.; Salyk, O.; Vala, M. Cardiomyocytes monitoring: Determination of biocompatibility. International Winterschool on Bioelectronics BioEl2015. Linz, Austria: JKU, 2016.

Vala, M.; Koutný, J.; Krajčovič, J.; Luňák, S.; WEITER, M. Diketo-pyrrolo-pyrroles: prospective materials for nonlinear optical applications. Gotteborg, Sweeden: Chalmers, 2016.

Vala, M.; Koutný, J.; Kovalenko, A.; Krajčovič, J.; Heinrichová, P.; Luňák, S.; Horáková, P.; Kubáč, L.; Vyňuchal, J.; WEITER, M. DIKETOPYRROLOPYRROLES: PERSPECTIVE MATERIALS FOR ORGANIC PHOTONICS. Book of Abstracts of The 12th International Conference on Organic Electronics. Bratislava, Slovakia: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016. ISBN: 978-80-227-4571-0.

OMASTA, L.; HRABAL, M.; SALYK, O.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Printed lateral biosensors based on organic electrochemical transistor. Book of Abstracts of The 12th International Conference on Organic Electronics. Bratislava, Slovakia: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016. p. 57-57. ISBN: 978-80-227-4571-0.

HRABAL, M.; OMASTA, L.; VALA, M.; SALYK, O.; WEITER, M. Printing of thin films for printed electronics. Book of Abstracts of The 12th International Conference on Organic Electronics. Bratislava, Slovakia: Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, 2016. p. 31-31. ISBN: 978-80-227-4571-0.

Róbert Mišicák, Stanislav Stříteský, Martin Vala, Martin Weiter, Marek Cigán, Katarína Gmucová, Karol Végsö, Martin Weis, Jozef Kožíšek, Milan Pavúk, Martin Putala. Effect of the ethynylene linker on the properties and carrier mobility of naphthalene derivatives with hexylbithienyl arms. Syntetic Metals, 2016, vol. 2016, no. 217, p. 156-171. ISSN: 0379-6779.

SALYK, O.; OMASTA, L.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Organic Sensor for Cardiomyocytes Research. Materials Science Forum, 2016, vol. 851, no. 1, p. 194-198. ISSN: 1662-9752.

STŘÍTESKÝ, S.; KRAJČOVIČ, J.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. The influence of diketopyrrolopyrrole chemical structure on organic field-effect transistors performance. In Materials Science Forum. Materials Science Forum. Applied Chemistry in Solving of Production Goals. Switzerland: © 2016 Trans Tech Publications, 2016. p. 189-193. ISBN: 978-80-214-5228-2. ISSN: 1662-9752.

SALYK, O.; OMASTA, L.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Printed Organic Sensor for Cardiomyocytes Research. Chemistry & Life 2015 , Book of Abstracts. first. Brno: Faculty of Chemistry, Brno University of Technology, 2015. p. 147-147. ISBN: 978-80-214-5228-2.

OMASTA, L.; SALYK, O.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Screen printing of organic electrochemical transistor for cardiomyocytes research. In Studentská odborná konference CHemie je život 2015, Sborník abstraktů. Brno: Vysoké učení technické v Brně, Fakulta chemická, Purkyňova 464/118, 612 00 Brno, 2015. p. 375-380. ISBN: 978-80-214-5290-9.

HRABAL, M.; OMASTA, L.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Optimization of Screen Printing Process for Printed Electronic Devices. Chermistry and Life Brno 2015. 2015. p. 138-139. ISBN: 978-80-214-5228-2.

KRAJČOVIČ, J.; KOVALENKO, A.; HEINRICHOVÁ, P.; VALA, M.; WEITER, M. Adamantyl side groups boosting the efficiency and thermal stability of organic solid-state fluorescent dyes. Journal of Luminescence, 2016, vol. 2016, no. 175, p. 94-99. ISSN: 0022-2313.

VALA, M.; WEITER, M.; KRAJČOVIČ, J. Diketo-pyrrolo-pyrroles: prospective materials for organic photonics. LOPEC 2015 - 7th International Exhibition and Conference for the Printed Electronics Industry - Book of abstracts. 2015.

VALA, M.; WEITER, M.; KRAJČOVIČ, J. Organic and Printed Photonics – Tailoring of Materials Properties. Wearable technology Europe 2015 - Book of abstracts. 2015.

STŘÍTESKÝ, S.; WEITER, M.; VALA, M.; ŠIMEK, V.; CRHA, A.; RŮŽIČKA, R. OFET transistors for logical circuit. IFSOE 2015 Book of Abstracts. 2nd International Fall School. Moskva: 2015. p. 99-99.