Detail projektu

Development of methodology for the monitoring of alkaline ions mobility in cementitious composites and assessment of the connection with the potential of the alkali-silicate reaction

Období řešení: 1.2.2021 — 30.4.2022

Zdroje financování

Evropská unie - Interní grantová soutěž

O projektu

The type of alkali and its content play a significant role corresponding to the potential of alkali-silicate reaction (ASR) in cementitious composites. Various alkalis contribute to the ASR differently, especially due to the diversity in ionic radius and solvation shell cover. Hence these parameters also influence their mobility. The methods for the in-situ monitoring of diffusion rate of Na+ and K+ ions relative to parameters like alkali type/concentration, matrix permeability will be evaluated same as the processes of the reverse leaching.

Popis anglicky
The aim of the project is to create a competition for student research grants and its pilot verification. The creation of a new competition will contribute to the development of cross-sectional skills of doctoral students, and thus acquire competencies for work in science and research in the future and increase their success in submitting scientific projects to national and international competitions.



Originální jazyk



Marko Michal, Ing., Ph.D. - hlavní řešitel
Hrubý Petr, Ing., Ph.D. - spoluřešitel
Vojtíšek Jan, Ing. - spoluřešitel


Fakulta chemická
- odpovědné pracoviště (30.11.2020 - nezadáno)
Fakulta chemická
- příjemce (1.2.2021 - 30.4.2022)


MARKO, M.; HRUBÝ, P.; JANČA, M.; KŘIKALA, J.; HAJZLER, J.; ŠOUKAL, F.; VOJTÍŠEK, J.; DOLEŽAL, M. Monitoring of Ion Mobility in the Cement Matrix to Establish Sensitivity to the ASR Caused by External Sources. Materials, 2022, vol. 15, no. 14, p. 1-19. ISSN: 1996-1944.

MARKO, M.; HRUBÝ, P.; JANČA, M.; ŠOUKAL, F.; OPRAVIL, T. THE EFFECT OF SODIUM IONS OF DEGRADING AGENTS IN CEMENTITIOUS COMPOSITES WITH REACTIVE AGGREGATE. Chémia a technológie pre život. Bratislava: Slovenská chemická knižnica, 2021. ISBN: 978-80-8208-064-6.

HRUBÝ, P.; KALINA, L.; BÍLEK, V.; TOPOLÁŘ, L.; MARKO, M.; HERČÍK, T. DEGRADATION RESISTANCE OF ALKALI-ACTIVATED BLAST FURNACE SLAG. Chémia a technológie pre život. Bratislava: Slovenská chemická knižnica, 2021. ISBN: 978-80-8208-064-6.

HRUBÝ, P.; BÍLEK, V.; TOPOLÁŘ, L.; KALINA, L.; MARKO, M.; ŠOUKAL, F.; DVOŘÁK, R.; HERČÍK, T. Decalcification resistance of various alkaliactivated materials. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. Bristol: IOP Publishing, 2021. p. 1-8. ISSN: 1757-8981.

JANČA, M.; OPRAVIL, T.; MARKO, M.; HRUBÝ, P.; VOJTÍŠEK, J.; DOLEŽAL, M. Studium uvolňování alkálií v pórovém roztoku. In Vápno, cement, ekologie. 1. Praha: Výzkumný ústav maltovin Praha, 2021. s. 79-84. ISBN: 978-80-906541-6-7.