Detail předmětu
Sustainability and Global Change III
FCH-MA_ENG1IIIAk. rok: 2022/2023
Global change issues, energy and sustainability issues including energy sources of the world, scientific foundations of energy aspects, solar energy: solar modules, solar-thermal energy, power plants, photovoltaics, ecological aspects, heat pumps, geothermal, wind, wave, water and nuclear energy.
Jazyk výuky
Počet kreditů
Garant předmětu
Výsledky učení předmětu
- obtain insights into different sectors of environmental research,
- get to know current aspects and problems relating to phenomena of global change,
- develop an interdisciplinary perspective,
- learn to put contents of disciplinary courses into a wider context,
- learn to discuss different environmental issues.
- obtain insights into different sectors of environmental research,
- get to know current aspects and problems relating to phenomena of global change,
- develop an interdisciplinary perspective,
- learn to put contents of disciplinary courses into a wider context,
- learn to discuss different environmental issues.
Passing Sustanability and global change II
Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody
Lectures of experts in environmental sciences and related industry (2-3 hours)
Způsob a kritéria hodnocení
Written 1page report of 12 lectures (4 per semester)
Osnovy výuky
Global Change:
Scientists of the University of Koblenz-Landau and Brno University of Technology as well as external institutions present current approaches and results of environmental science research. The specific contents change from year to year.
Energy and Sustainability:
Energy sources of the world
Scientific foundations of energy aspects
Solar energy: solar modules, solar-thermal energy, power plants, photovoltaics, ecological aspects
Heat pumps
Geothermal energy
Scientists of the University of Koblenz-Landau and Brno University of Technology as well as external institutions present current approaches and results of environmental science research. The specific contents change from year to year.
Energy and Sustainability:
Energy sources of the world
Scientific foundations of energy aspects
Solar energy: solar modules, solar-thermal energy, power plants, photovoltaics, ecological aspects
Heat pumps
Geothermal energy
Učební cíle
The students obtain insights into different sectors of environmental research and get to know current aspects and problems relating to phenomena of global change. They develop an interdisciplinary perspective and learn to put contents of disciplinary courses into a wider context.
Students deal extensively with the current debate on sustainability and energy, the get to know alternative energy concepts and are able to evaluate them from an ecological as well as economic perspective.
Students deal extensively with the current debate on sustainability and energy, the get to know alternative energy concepts and are able to evaluate them from an ecological as well as economic perspective.
Vymezení kontrolované výuky a způsob jejího provádění a formy nahrazování zameškané výuky
presence on seminars is compulsory
Prerekvizity a korekvizity
- povinná prerekvizita
Sustainability and global change II
Zařazení předmětu ve studijních plánech