Detail předmětu
Biophysics and Biochemistry of Microorganisms
FCH-DA_BCHBMAk. rok: 2020/2021
Taxonomy of microorganisms; structure and physiology of microbial cells; biophysical properties of microorganisms; cell transport and its regulation; metabolic strategies of microorganisms; regulation of the metabolism of industrially significant micro-organisms; microbial kinetics; stress response of microorganisms; adaptation strategy of microorganisms; purposeful behavior of microbial cells.
Jazyk výuky
Garant předmětu
Zajišťuje ústav
Výsledky učení předmětu
Absolvováním předmětu studenti získají pokročilé znalosti o mikroorganismech a jejich vlastnostech, charakteristikách a strategiích.
biologie, mikrobiologie, organická a fyzikální chemie, znalost základních vlastností biomolekul
Plánované vzdělávací činnosti a výukové metody
Individuální konzultace
Způsob a kritéria hodnocení
The results of the study are verified by colloquium (S.E.R. Art. 34 of the BUT Brno), ie a discussion about the subject matter connected with the preparation of a written work dealing with the specified topic of the subject in the range of about 10 text pages; the debate takes about 30 minutes.
Osnovy výuky
The course focuses on the application of basic theoretical knowledge of physical chemistry to the biological systems. It represents a borderline course between physics, chemistry and biology, which allow obtaining molecular and structural perspective on biologically important and medically important pehnomena. Attention is drawn to an impact of the basic theoretical knowledge into analytical (advanced methods of study and interpretation of the structure and function of biopolymers) and application fields. Special topics: biothermodynamics: energetics of biological processes, Gibbs energy and its role in biological processes. Kinetics of biological processes, enzyme reactions, denaturation and renaturation. Non-covalent interactions in biological systems; 3D structure of biopolymers. Biomembranes. Water and hydratation. Biological polyelectrolytes.
Učební cíle
The aim of this course is to familiarize students with unique properties of microbial cells from point of view of various disciplines such as physiology, biochemistry, ecology or molecular biology.
Základní literatura
Bushy et al. Molecular Microbiology, Springer 1997 (CS)
Dworkin M.D.: The Prokaryotes, 3rd Edition,Springer, New York, 2006 (CS)
Kaprálek F.: Fyziologie bakterií, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství Praha, 1985 (CS)
Neměc M.: Základy obecné mikrobiologie, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2015 (CS)
Dworkin M.D.: The Prokaryotes, 3rd Edition,Springer, New York, 2006 (CS)
Kaprálek F.: Fyziologie bakterií, Státní pedagogické nakladatelství Praha, 1985 (CS)
Neměc M.: Základy obecné mikrobiologie, Masarykova univerzita v Brně, 2015 (CS)