Přednáška: Innovative processing strategies for the porosification of polymer-derived ceramics
Přijměte pozvání na přednášku Dr. Thomase Koneggera, která se bude konat v úterý 9.4.2024 v 10:30 v zasedací místnosti Děkanátu (5.p.). Dr. Konegger působí na Technické univerzitě ve Vídni (TU Wien Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics), kde vede malou skupinu věnující se pokročilé keramice.
Abstrakt:The polymer precursor technique is an innovative processing approach for the fabrication of porous ceramic materials using preceramic organosilicon polymers as starting materials. After adequate structuring and shaping, the precursors can be converted into polymer-derived ceramic (PDC) materials by a controlled pyrolytic decomposition treatment.
This talk gives an overview of a variety of strategies developed at TU Wien over the past years which have been successfully implemented for the fabrication, modification, and characterization of novel porous PDC materials. The main focus is set on the generation of macroporosity through distinct porosification strategies, including templating of PDCs using sacrificial porogens, photopolymerization-assisted solidification templating, as well as light-based additive manufacturing.
By identifying the role of relevant parameters specific to each processing strategy, the overall aim of tailoring pore morphologies to obtain material structures ideally suited for a range of prospective applications can be achieved, which will be illustrated with a specific focus on catalytic conversion processes suitable for CO2 utilization.
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Odkaz | https://www.fch.vut.cz/fakulta/media/f81551/d256123 |