Pozvánka na přednášku: Iso Christl
Laboratoř biokoloidů zve na přednášku Dr. Iso Christla z ETH Zürich na téma Arsenic – a ubiquitous constituent of soils: How its biogeochemical behavior impacts on human health. Přednáška se uskuteční ve středu 13. 12. 2023 od 10:00 v místnosti P4.
Anotace:Arsenic represents a ubiquitous element in terrestrial systems. Its concentration ranges very widely, from background levels of several ppm up to highly elevated levels in naturally enriched settings and at contaminated sites. Starting with the discovery of elevated arsenic concentrations in groundwaters in Bangladesh in the early 1990s, the biogeochemistry of arsenic has become a major focus of environmental research. The talk highlights key features of the biogeochemical behavior of this versatile element. The relevance of this knowledge is shown by presenting current research on the impact of the biogeochemical behavior of arsenic on its uptake by rice, which is the staple food of half of the world population.
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Odkaz | https://www.fch.vut.cz/fakulta/media/f81551/d249443 |