Přednáška: E-Mobility versus E-Fuels Mobility, or both?
Srdečně vás zveme na přednášku profesora Niyazi Serdara Sariciftciho, která se uskuteční ve čtvrtek 16.11. od 9:45 v místnosti P16 (1.13).
Anotace:In recent years a strong emphasis for electrical cars and e-mobility is observable. Politically as well as financially the e-mobility is getting great support. On the other hand, the use of e-fuels for mobility of the future is often discussed in highly polarized fashion, often with misunderstanding. What are these e-fuels? Why do we need them?
In order to account for a sustainable future, the transport and storage of renewable energy are necessary. For this problem, we suggest the conversion of CO2 to chemical energy carrying compounds like methane, methanol and/or other synthetic fuels using renewable energy. This is a possible and viable method to make efficient, large scale energy storage. At the same time this will make a cyclic and sustainable CO2 economy.
We report studies on materials like conducting polymers of the third generation, functionalized with bio-organic catalysts which can be used in photo-electro-catalytic conversion devices. Going one step further, bio-catalysts such enzymes as well as living bacteria can be immobilized on electrodes. We report alternatively on immobilizing of enzymes onto functionalized graphene units creating a nano-bio-catalytic platform. Selectivity of such bio-catalysts is very high and combined with the room temperature ambient operation of such bio-electro-catalytic systems make them industrially highly attractive.
Profesor Niyazi Serdar Sariciftci je ředitelem Institutu organických solárních článků (LIOS) a Ústavu fyzikální chemie na JKU v Linci. Řadí se ke světově uznávaným osobnostem a je jedním z nejcitovanějších vědců v dané výzkumné problematice.

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Odkaz | https://www.fch.vut.cz/fakulta/media/f81551/d248230 |