Pozvánka na přednášku: Processing Technology of Biopolymers and Natural Raw Materials
Zveme vás na přednášku Haliny Murasiewicz ze Západopomořanské technologické univerzity ve Štětíně, která se uskuteční ve středu 5. dubna 2023 od 12:00 v P2.
Přednáška proběhne v rámci předmětu Technologie zpracování biopolymerů a přírodních surovin.ABSTRACT
Bio-based materials are made from renewable resources including wood, agricultural waste, natural fiber plants, grasses, etc., which are rich in proteins, polysaccharides, lipids, and other compounds. They can be synthetized either directly or through the monomers synthesis that has to be followed by the polymerization. There are many different market available bio-based polymers such as polylactic acid, the poly L lactide, polyhydroxybuturate, polyhydroxyalkalonates (PHAs), polyamide, polypropylene (PP) obtained from bio-based ethylene by converting ethanol, polyethylene terephthalate and all other thermoplastic materials. Bio-based polymers have another advantage that is cruicial for the environment and living organisms: that of reducing carbon footprint, because they degrade into their constituent monomers when treated with fungi and bacteria (microorganisms) with the production of CO2, CH4, and water without generating any type of toxic material. As the world’s population increases, bio-based plastics are widely used in industries and daily life. Bio-based polymers are mostly used in packaging and in medical applications. Today’s lecture will be devoted to the following aspects: polymer processing technology, manufacturing of bio-based polymers and composites, processing of bio-based polymers, processing of bio-based polymers for industrial and medical applications, and future trends in the bio-based polymer processing industry.
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Odkaz | https://www.fch.vut.cz/fakulta/media/f81551/d239339 |